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  1. Yes that was it it is working now thank you so much
  2. Hi, I'm building some HTML5 banners, and i normal use TweenMax and TimelineMax and that works fine, now i have a banner and i need to make it a little smaller to fit in the 150K Google size, so i thought i use Tweenlite, TimelineLite and easingpack as the annimation is very easy but i cant get it to work. this is the JS script window.onload = function() { var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.timeScale(.8) // Slide in Quote 1 tl.from("#quote1", .6, {x:300, ease: Power2.easeOut}); // Quote 1 to quote2 tl.to("#quote1", .8, {scaleY:4,scaleX:4, y:-500, opacity:0}, "+=2"); tl.from("#quote2", .8, {scaleY:0,scaleX:0}, "-=.8"); tl.to("#bg-blue", .8, {opacity:0}, "-=.8"); //slide in the background tl.from("#bg-left", .8, {x:-150}, "+=2"); tl.from("#bg-right", .8, {x:150}, "-=.8"); //zoom in logo tl.from("#logo", .8, {scaleY:0,scaleX:0}); // fade idina in tl.from("#idina", 1.5, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeOut}); // Add overlay tl.from("#overlay", 2, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeOut}, "-=.5"); // slide in date, theatre and get tl.from("#date", .8, {y:50, opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn}, "-=2"); tl.from("#theatre", .8, {y:-50,opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn}, "-=2"); tl.from("#buttonbg", .8, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn}, "-=1" ); // Fadein quote3 tl.from("#quote3", .8, {opacity:0, ease: Power2.easeIn} ); TweenLite.set("#stage", {visibility:"visible"}); } and i include the following js scripts TweenLite.min.js TimelineLite.min.js EasePack.min.js the animation is not running and it is not giving me any errors so i have no clue what is wrong. any idea's Thanks, Rob
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