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Posts posted by AcharaKelley

  1. Thanks, Diaco.


    I will create a codepen.


    The issue didn't happen with only ScrollLeft though. It happened with 

    -  TweenMax.to(obj, 0.3, {display: 'block'});  and TweenMax.to(obj, 0.3, {display: 'none'});


    - var target = {

                  className: 'tile',
                  overwrite: 'none'

      TweenMax.to(obj, 0.3, target);


    - TweenMax.to(obj, 0.3, { scale: 1 });


    Have you ever seen this issue on iOS9 before? Thanks!


  2. Hi,

    I'm experiencing an issue with TweenMax.to on iOS9. 


    var scrollTarget = { scrollLeft: 100 };

    var animTime = 0.25;

    TweenMax.to(this._contentContainer, animTime, scrollTarget);


    The animation works fine on desktop, iOS 7, and iOS 8. But on iOS 9 the animation is very choppy and instead of animating for 0.25 second, it would take 5 - 10 seconds to move with the choppy animation to complete.


    I found that once I set the animTime to zero, the slide will just snap to place without the animation but that will prevent it from the poor performance.


    I'm wondering if anyone had the similar experience and can give me suggestions.


    Thank you so much!

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