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Posts posted by BlackArtNet

  1. Wow that did help instantly, thanks!

    IMHO the parameter name is quite misleading, I knew of its existence but didnt event tried it because of its name.


    I'm not using throwProps but its a known issue with Chrome: It's engine converts transformed content (when You are using translate3D) into texture to provide GFX acceleration.


    The only workaround I know is to oversize content by a large margin, remembering to keep negative Z value, it works because this way You end with higher resolution textures.

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  2. Hello again.

    I'm trying to create a box that is draggable instance but when I start dragging it, it stays in its place and just smaller box is dragged.

    The main draggable box contains a lot of media so I dont want to drag it across the screen, just some handle with box title.


    Currently I'm achieving it by calling 

    TweenMax.set(this.target, {clearProps: "all"});
    on each 'onDrag()' event and then manually tweening my small box.
    Is there a better way?
    How would You achieve such functionality?
    Thank You.
  3. Hello.

    I'm trying to use draggable on bootstrap's `panel` element.

    But when keeping panel inside of panel (nesting panels) dragging panel inside still triggers onDragStart event of the top level panel.

    I have used only the '.panel-title' as draggable trigger so the trigger elements are not nested. Is there any solution for such a problem?

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