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Tasty last won the day on December 25 2015

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Posts posted by Tasty

  1. Hey @Pata

    Indeed there's some flickering on IOS Safari, and sometimes the transition does not work properly when going back, and sometimes the split text animations don't fire

    That's a bit more complicated without seeing the full code, but I can point you to https://ihatetomatoes.net/how-to-make-page-transitions-in-html/  

    Though probably you would need something more complex as https://ihatetomatoes.net/get-bella/ where @Ihatetomatoes explains a slick way to handle advanced transitions and what should happen before them - great tutorial, I highly recommend buying it 

    Happy Tweening :D 

    • Like 1
  2. Hey there @chaowen I'm not sure what should be the effect here but maybe you should try with rotationY instead of rotateY :D
    I was struggling with that once, I kept writing rotate instead of rotation ^_^' 
    Though I'm not completely sure this solves your issue

    It changed something when I pushed it to -100  

    See the Pen LYqWzmz by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    Have a great one 

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks a ton Jack!

    I was switching places of fromElement/toElement and I wasn't in best mind state - it was already getting early ;) 

    Yeah, I've tested most of the MotionPathPlugin stuff, getRelativePosition() was my first try and I almost had it working but there were some offsets from my position that I just couldn't figure out. Though those were the beginnings when I was testing it inside my transformed environment - when I realized I can't even do this with two simple boxes I just had to reach out here for help and get some sleep.

    This solution is a life saver - thank you again
    Happy tweening to you too!

    • Like 3
  4. It's using ScrollMagic under the hood, there were some problems with SM and es6 - so it's kind of a wrapper. Syntax is veeery similar - I really spent a day or two trying to use SM in Vue, and once it was working I couldn't really use .addIndicators.

    This should make it much simpler, lot's of examples in the docs and it has everything that SM does plus intersectionObservers. 

    Happy Tweening :)

  5. Hello Everyone :) 

    I'm struggling with something that I'm not sure if it's trivial, impossible or I'm just doing it wrong. I've checked everything that I could find about .getBoundingClientRect() .getBBox() and I realized that you recently released an suuuuperb update with .convertCoordinates() and a lot of cool stuff.

    Though I feel a bit silly trying to use it. Or maybe it's way complicated due to 2 different SVGs and their coordinates systems.

    Please let me know if it's possible to put that blue box over the green one but specifically to #align-line (so the top of the blue box is touching the line)
    After  6hrs of doing something similar as blue box is doing in the attached CodePen demo and demystifying some awesome @OSUblake demos I would very much appreciate some guidance on this one.

    Why I have to do this in such way - I have a mask element (a card that comes out of envelope) and it has to be aligned with the envelope - otherwise the animation is a no no - but later I need to position it (card) anywhere on the screen, so the elements must be separated, but in sync - they will also have dynamic sizes and widths depending on the needs and all the stuff wouldn't be much of a problem if not that one sync issue.

    Hopefully I'm just being silly and it's possible, If not, well I need to rethink the whole thing :D 

    Thanks for the awesome update!


    See the Pen XWbvZOm by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

  6. Yup, nice one - I'd also love to read some more books about animations itself. Really enjoyed Rachel Nabors Animation at Work - that's the one I can recommend for sure :D

    If you guys have some more, please throw the titles  

    • Like 2
  7. OMG thanks, Craig!

    Now I know how to figure out masks for all the letters - the trick with opacity...I was doing it blindly ^^' 
    Also, I wasn't sure that's a good way or how to align lines, but I see what you did there :D

    Thanks again, it's time to have some fun in Illustrator!


    • Like 2
  8. Thanks Craig,

    That looks better - sorry this wasn't precise - my battery was blinking red ^^

    I meant the edges in the middle section, tried to trace the letters precisely but there are always some 'leftovers'. I'm not sure I'm going in the right direction. After spending 6 hours in Illustrator with same results I'm convinced that there's something wrong with my approach...

    If you could push me in the right direction (not sure that's the right way to achieve such effect) that will make my day!


  9. Hey again - had a lot of fun using this method - now I'm trying to use that on a font in logotype that has various widths and strange curves.

    See the Pen QxpZma by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen


    So far I've tried to trace one path using all the fancy stuff Illustrator has, but results are clunky like in the pen above - even when I'm using 4 paths.
    Any tip on how to make it better will be a huge help ^_^

    Happy Tweening :D

  10. 22 hours ago, PointC said:

    You line up your artwork and grab the pencil, pen or curvature tool and draw a new path along the middle of the artwork. Then add a stroke thick enough to cover everything.


    That was the part I was missing/did wrong...thanks again Craig! Can't wait to use that trick everywhere :D 

    BTW, about the curve (did it intentionally ^^), that was my main concern - I was able to replicate something "close enough" but that ugly hiccup was just not an option for production.

    Thanks <3 !  

    • Like 2
  11. Hello everyone,

    This one is making my head hurt for few days, there's a lot of similar topics but I just still don't get it, or maybe the thing I'm trying to do isn't possible for shapes.
    (Here the stroke is just large enough to reveal the shape almost instantly, but it still runs half animation in the back animating stroke-dashoffset till the end, that produces some timing issues) 

    I'm still lacking the skill to reveal complex SVG shapes, not sure how to bite it (drawSVG solves this problem for a path) - any suggestions will be a huge help!

    Trying to do the same thing like @PointC did here - that looks just marvelous.

    Tried to deconstruct it in Illustrator, made dozens of forks, read about masks/clipping but I still feel like I miss something important.

    See the Pen XexgJM by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen

    Have a lovely day and happy tweening :) 

    See the Pen qoMqKe by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

  12. Hello @benoit

    Looks like this is a performance glitch - I think. Probably because you are using x instead of xPercent witch is better for performance 

    Please take a look at this pen and let us know if it solves the problem

    See the Pen EEgpyp by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    Something that also could help if you need more control over the performance

    I'm not sure how you want to display things in the slider but maybe this small CSS change will help you.

    See the Pen bvwjWB by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    If you have any questions, please ask
    Happy Tweening!

    • Like 3
  13. Thanks for sharing Shaun!
    Wanted to post that interview just now, good job :)

    Mine usage is pretty typical, so nothing special - just wanted to say huge THANKS, Jack, for starting this!

    Always had the same problem with math, still, have - I prefer to watch it move :D

    • Like 2
  14. After a while, I finally know what was frustrating me and why the stuff I wrote in functions wasn't responding, and all the stuff with removing, adding, controlling wasn't working as it should - if you will ever have a problem with controlling timelines held in functions be sure to first declare a variable and then assign it to the function that returns your timeline...^_^''

    @Dipscom wrote something like 

    var returned_tl = tlReturned();

    a tiny bit of code somewhere in the forums and huge thanks for that - now GSAP magic works the same regardless it's in function or not and my code is much much cleaner

    See the Pen VXvrZm by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    Thanks again for the help @Sahil

    • Like 4
  15. Yeah the path direction is like "yhhhhm did I pushed the reverse path direction - I need to export it out and see" (then do it like 3 more times with multiple paths) 
    I lost all hope for Adobe when they shut down Edge Animate - they just aren't listening. I like illustrator but it's definitely not built for web usage.

    Had hoped XD will change the game, but they just went from clunky beta to full paid app that isn't worth the price (yet?). 
    Heard Affinity is worth to try - I'll definitely  check it out if they send me  "the email"
    Would love to change software for something like Sketch - any windows alternatives besides Affinity? ;P 


  16.  Hello and welcome @Musharraf

    I would love to help you, though I'm not sure what kind of help you need - that's a pretty complex example for a beginner. Please expand so we can help you better

    See the Pen zWGpRa by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    a very simple example of looped animation that can work as a preloader.

    Here you will find some more info and nice comments. 

    Preloaders can be very simple and the opposite, just try something small first.

    If you need some help with learning GSAP, Petr does a nice job

    Also, https://greensock.com/get-started-js should help you a million

    Happy Tweening :)


    BTW my question for anyone that can help me find some peace of mind: 
    That (preloaders) topic is something strange, or maybe it's just me, but usually preloaders just fake loading ( do they? :) ), I'm curious myself is there any  secret ultimate answer how to make a preloader that actually displays the whole progress of page loading - like 50% on loader bar is 10 completed requests from 20? 

    Had few attempts to find the answer but deeper I dig the more confused I am.
    Shouldn't there be some native, obvious solution or we just need to download everything first and then we can fake the loader ;P? 
    Any guidelines will be much appreciated!

    Cheers ^_^  

    • Like 2
  17. Thanks Craig!

    Spent a lot of time trying to make this as smooth as possible and had an almost identical approach for layers and export.
    Even had some crazy macro for
    File –-> Export –-> Export As -->  then choose ‘Save as type: SVG’ 

    When I discovered presentation attributes things got a lot cleaner... that cls was making me mad 

    Adobe added the assets export panel that makes the process a little better, it exports (or should) a cleaner code for some more complex stuff

    It can be a bit frustrating because the options for the export are hidden, but you just change them once 

    Not sure anyone will use this but's also worth to know that you can just select all artwork, ctrl+c and paste it anywhere
    (edit: Probably that's the method @OSUblake mentioned  ^^')

    A lot of crap attached to the last one, but it's handy when you just need to check smth simple.

    Overall, the process is a pain, the assets export sometimes crashes (exports nothing - that can be frustrating if you aren't prepared for it ;D ) - need to restart illustrator after that, not sure if that's only my thing.

    It still exports junk like some g id="Layer_2"

    But a huge benefit of it is that you can have multiple SVGs in one document and control, group, change stuff you want to export

    Happy Exporting :D

    • Like 4

    Read that post a while ago, and at the time I was building this little thing, it's kind of my summary what I learned in little above a year - hope you'll enjoy it :)


    https://www.hq-biosciences.com/our-process/ (animations above approx 767px)

    For me, GSAP was a blessing - special thanks, to @Ihatetomatoes you made it a thing in my life - finally, I could do some fun things with code and learn by doing instead of watching some crazy tutorials where you just use "this" and "this" and then I was just like this O_o

    Dropped school because of that dull programming theory - we started to learn to programme from "C" language (like WTF)
    I had a lot of attempts to learn JS but most of the stuff I could just copy/paste without even understanding or trying to understand.
    (This one helped me understand what's going on under the hood  https://www.udemy.com/understand-javascript/ )

    GSAP changed my life and made programming much easier to "eat" - I'll probably never be a kickass assembler programmer, but who knows - GSAP is a solid first sock to go anywhere and they should fking teach it at school.

    Thank you all for helping me in various quests, learning hard to help you too someday
    (that's hard! Even if I know the answer there are at least 2 answers already submitted - love you all :)

    • Like 8
  19. Hello! :D

    Today had some fun animating a lot of stuff, one of them was "typewriter effect" - the thing is it's SVG and it's in perspective, so I thought this can be faked with some Stepped ease and pathDataToBezier, there are 7 letters so I eyeballed a path for separator did some heavy math (lol) and thought it will work. It almost does.

    That's my final a bit clunky effect

    See the Pen QaNZdO by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    And that's the "clean" version

    See the Pen mpPzmE by tastysites (@tastysites) on CodePen

    But the question is why the stagger for #keyword > path does not start at the same time as the #separator? It looks like there's some "blank timeline space".
    I encountered this problem few times and I would love to know what I'm doing wrong here - any suggestion will be much appreciated.

    Thanks !

  20. Stroke and goo look amazing, I need to play with it :D
    The last 'meatball' - absolutely hypnotizing, played with it for 10 min, then I realized it's 2:45 and I'm playing with blobs in the middle of the night... ;] 

    Thanks again, I have a lot of material to learn from when I wake up 

    • Haha 2
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