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Posts posted by ButterStream

  1. This is great, and such good timing. I just finished some banners for Sizmek when this came through so was able to update all my links!

    Now we just have to get Adwords to host it and we'll be set.

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  2. Hi, just started looking at GSAP for animating banners (hand coding) and it's looking pretty good for my needs.

    One question I have is there is mention in this article: http://greensock.com/html5-banners#networks  of Sizmek hosting GSAP on a CDN but I can't seem to find the URL to the Sizmek CDN to include in my code. I'm assuming if I use the cloudflare one it will count towards my banner size. Maybe I'm wrong on that though.


    Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.



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