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Posts posted by jmalmsten

  1. I'll give an update with a test case, might be a couple days I have a few hotfixes I need to implement beforehand.

    Thanks for the prompt response!

    update: I found that including:

    had broken our inline modal editors(popups that appear in our editor window with buttons that change font-size, font-family, etc.. etc..)
    only in IE11 though(ie9 still worked?), chrome, firefox, and safari are all fine as well.

    I had to revert back to 1.15.0 on all 3 to fix this issue. Not sure if it's related to the issue above. 

    I'll try to work this weekend or monday to mock up a simple test case with a similar scenario, until then have a good weekend and I hope my information helps you guys!
  2. I'm attempting to test an object for my company in Karma that relies on 'draggable'. 'draggable' was built off of

    path: {

    shim: {
        'draggable' : {
            deps : ['TweenLite', 'cssPlugin']

    All of the tests I built passed fine, I updated my branch to reflect my companies' changes on master where they updated the path to 

    path: {


    This caused a script error in the tests with the top stacktrace pointing to: 

    TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 's.boxSizing')
    In an attempt to debug this I was able to tweak the code to work with this path setup: 

    path: {

    I looked at the github repos for both 1.16.1 and 1.17.0. I found that s.boxSizing does not exist on 1.16.1 so I'm going to guess that in 1.17.0 s.boxSizing is grabbed without checking to see if 's' is not null. I was wondering if there was any way the CS team here could verify what I was thinking.


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