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Posts posted by sayyeahlo

  1. Hello,

    I'm trying to implement Draggable with Electronjs to make a multi-touch table.

    Everything works fine until I apply a rotation on the parent of a draggable element, then the drag element is blocked.


    It works as expected in chrome browser but in electron the matrix seems wrong. The points are converted to coma.

    matrix(0,93969, 0,34202, -0,34202, 0,93969, 0, 0)  instead of matrix( 0.93969,0.34202,-0.34202,0.93969,0,0)


    I'm using TweenMax to apply the rotation so I'm wondering, is it a Chromium or gsap problem ?


    In TweenMax source code, where is the function to apply the style attribute on the element ?

    Thank you

    Capture d’écran 2018-04-08 à 13.16.13.png

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