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Posts posted by soraya

  1. Hi 


    I am trying to animate some particles along a bezier path in order to get a movement close the way the particles moves on this link 




    here is the codepen that I have created

    See the Pen domJvY by sorayao (@sorayao) on CodePen


    I have the animation for my particles working pretty much as I want in terms of flying effect, color change and opacity and scale. 


    Now the issue is that all the particles are created from one single position.

    What I am trying to achieve is, each time a particle is created, it is originated from a point along a bezier path ( see white square animation path for example)


    I have managed to have each of my particle to be created in a div:id="particle"+i  so they all have a single id 


    I guess what is needed not is to set the position of each div:id="particle"+i as a point on the variable path 

     path = [{x:0, y:0}, {x:50, y:100}, {x:200, y:200}, {x:350, y:0}]



    I have been stuck on this all day... 

    I am hoping for Jquery/GSAP guru to help me ! 


    Many thanks 

    See the Pen domJvY  by sorayao (@sorayao) on CodePen

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