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Posts posted by MrBodean

  1. well this part

    rotate from 0 to -90
    - pause
    - rotate between -90 and 90

    - pause

    -then yoyo true so

    - rotate between 90 and -90

    - pause


    - rotate between -90 and 90

    - pause

    repeat -90 to 90 pause then yoyo 90 to -90 pause repeat forever


    In the demo you did, it still does not pause at end of 0 to -90, it quickly goes to -90 to 90 without any pause


    Yes sorry I just upgraded to ver 3 so still in TweenMax mode but will update


  2. This is not what I am using since it is in threejs but pulled relevant parts In my example.


    What is happening is Almost what I want, but the part that is missing is a delay after the first move. The part inside the oncomplete is working fine, but what it looks like is the first one does not pause after the move. I tried adding a delay for the oncomplete but that did not work, and YES I need to have this inside an oncomplete I think.


    What I want is to be able to rotate from 0 to -90 and pause then rotate between -90 and 90 with a pause after each move. The only part missing is the pause after 0 to -90




    See the Pen xxLRyjQ by MrBodean (@MrBodean) on CodePen

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