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Posts posted by someguy

  1. Thanks for your reply.
    I have tried it but it only seems to work because if you look closely the start positions are not exactly where theyre supposed to.
    I also have the problem that I have multiple of these sections and do not know what content is inside .content



    I have updated the demo here incorporating your soltion.
    It has 2 functions v1 and v2 where the difference is that v1 crates children with parents one by one while v2  first  creates all children and then all parents.


    See the Pen ZEZPXxE by TheM (@TheM) on CodePen

  2. Hello,

    I am trying to use an element as a scroll trigger which itself (or its parent) is animated/translated.

    Basically the .content should scroll over the .header and inside content there are scrollTriggers which animate the content (h1, p).

    Problem is because .content is translated by the timeline and first scrollTrigger, its start and end positions stay in the original location (before the transformation is applied) which is never reachable and wrong, it should also consider the y-translation.

    How can I get this to work? Ive tried calling ScrollTrigger.update in the onUpdate of the translate tween but its causing to much lag/stuttering.




    See the Pen KKYEvRo by TheM (@TheM) on CodePen


    16 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey BornToCreate and welcome.


    You can transition from different values based on the client's window size just as easily with JavaScript. There's a handy variables called innerWidth and innerHeight that you can base your logic off of. CSS animations actually perform worse and have other issues than a well performed JavaScript animation. 


    To address your question, mixing JS and CSS animations isn't recommended because CSS animation timing is not very reliable. But your question is not very clear - do you have a particular use case or demo that you could show us? That would help us give more concrete feedback.


    The thing is, Media Queries are an already implemented feature and I dont want to put if/else clauses all over the place.
    Sure I can check for innerWidth/Height but this is kind of cumbersome.
    Anyway thanks for the advice and thanks to @OSUBlake for showing that feature but I did not wanted to animate media queries.
    But I guess Ill have to stick to js.

  4. Hello all,
    JavaScript is nice n stuff but sometimes the requirements demand for CSS transitions.
    For example when transitioning diffrent values based on media-queries.
    Theres only the transitionend event to let people know if a transition is finished.

    Is it somehow possible to integrate this behaviour into a timeline, so I am able to mix my JS and CSS animations for example by adding a callback into the timeline which returns a promise or something so that the timeline waits for the transitionend until it continues.


  5. Hello,

    Im trying to use MorphSVG but it isnt working.

    I made a realy simple example but even this doesnt work.

    So basically I want to first use DrawSVG to draw a stroke and then morph it into a filled shape (not in codepen).

    But the morphSVG isnt working.

    I created a very basic codepen and even this is not working.

    Could it be because of my SVG?


    See the Pen QyOrKr by TheM (@TheM) on CodePen

  6. Hello,

    I am using the Greensock Draggable as a container with several child elements.


    Now the css translate3d(Npx, Npx, 0px) is added to the the Draggable.

    But the translateZ 0px causes every child element to be blured.


    When I overwrite it with Developer Tools to 1px the elements arent blured anymore.

    Is there a way to permanently add translateZ(1px)?


  7. Hello,

    in my script im using a draggable for navigation.

    In the throwProps-callback the draggable is disabled.

    Now i want to enable it in an oncomplete callback of my timeline, but itis doing nothing.

    I can log the draggable instance but calling the method isnt affecting anything.

    The draggable stays disabled.


    After every section in my timeline my timeline callback is called.

    Then I want to enable my dragger to grant navigation.

    OnThrowPropsComplete I want to disable the dragger and navigation to dont disturb the timeline.


    Draggable instanciation:

    draggerInstance = Draggable.create($dragger, {
        type: "y",
        bounds: "#drag-container > div",
        overshootTolerance: 0,
        throwProps: true,
        onThrowComplete: function() {
            wasDragged = true;
            var itemNo = getDraggerItemNo(this.y);
            TweenMax.to($menuContainer, 0.5, {
                opacity: 0,
                delay: 0.01,
                ease: Expo.easeOut,
                onComplete: function() {
                    currentTween = tl.tweenTo(sceneLabels[itemNo + 1]);
                    currentScreen = itemNo + 1;
            this.disable();  //Disable dragger here to prevent navigation while tweening
        snap: {
            y: function(endValue) {
                return getDraggerItemNo(endValue) * gridHeight;
        maxDuration: 1,
        onDragStart: function() {
            TweenMax.to($menuContainer, 0.5, {
                opacity: 1,
                ease: Expo.easeOut
        onDrag: function() {
            var itemNo = getDraggerItemNo(this.y);



    TimeLine onComplete callback

    function onCompleteTimeline() {
      //draggerInstance is accessable from here
      draggerInstance[0].enable(); //not working
  8. Hello,

    in my current project that is a fullscreen site, the visitor first sees an introduction animation.

    After thsi animation the timeline is paused.

    The user now can navigate through diffrent screens by using the mousewheel.

    Each screens animations are part of the main timeline that is declared global and are labeled.


    I am using TimelineMax and the main timeline is declared global to access it from everywhere where its needed.


    Navigating through the screens and all animations are working but I have the following problem:


    When an timeline section (screen animation group) is running I dont want the user to be able to scroll further untill the animation is finished.

    But I cant check the current state / status of the main timeline. I have tried .active(), .paused() but according to my logging output they dont seem to change.


    So how can I access the current state of the timeline?



    <!-- HTML TAG AND <head> -->
      <!-- Screens do also have some markup inside but thats unnecessary -->
      <div id="screen-1" class="screen"></div>
      <div id="screen-2" class="screen"></div>
      <div id="screen-3" class="screen"></div>
      <div id="screen-4" class="screen"></div>

    JavaScript TimelineCreation

      //Get necessary DOM elements with jQuery
      //and declaring timeline
      var tl = new TimelineMax();
       some more code
      //Creating timeline
      //Introduction animation
      tl.add(TweenMax.to(/* my animation */));
      //Labels are declared in an array, each screen has an own label
      //add more animations
      // more animations ...


    function mouseWheelHandler(e) {
      //Following condition as always false no matter when triggered,
      //also tried .paused() but its also not working
      if ( tl.isActive() === true ) {
      if (e.deltaY > 0) {
        currentScreen += 1;
      else if (e.deltaY < 0) {
        currentScreen -= 1;
      if (currentScreen > maxScreens) {
        currentScreen = maxScreens - 1;
      else if (currentScreen <= 0) {
        currentScreen = 1;
  9. Hello,

    is there a possibility to manually set the position of my draggable element?

    I want to use it as an scrollbar that move synchronized with my timeline and it should automatically get updated when the timeline continues.


    Ive already added an onUpdate handler to my timeline and an onDrag handler to my draggable with all the calculations already implementet.


    I just dont know how I can set the position of my draggable.


    My Markup is the following:

    <nav id="drag-nav">
      <div class="dragger"></div>


    $dragNav = $("#drag-nav");
    draggerInstance = Draggable.create(".dragger", {
      type: "y",
      bounds: $dragNav,
      onDrag: onDragHandler
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