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Posts posted by abullen

  1. Also when you say nothing seems to reset the canvas, do you mean you want to restart the timeline from the beginning or clear all values. The reason I ask is to just clarify since I notice your using SVG, not canvas.


    Any additional information will be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)



    Yes, I want to clear the existing lines drawn by the timeline and start over with a blank screen at the beginning of the next loop.


    Does that help?




    Yes, the FF rendering problem goes away with that change (at least on the Mac). Thank you!


    However, this was actually a looping animation and adding this immediateRender parameter has stopped the resetting (i.e. canvas clearing) with each new loop.


    Nothing I seem to change in this code (i.e. adding .remove()  etc. ) seems to reset the canvas after each loop is finished. Is there some magic method or syntax that can achieve this?

  3. I have been running up against a rendering bug in FF.


    I am using DrawSVG & TimelineMax to do an animated line drawing and FF (ver. 39.0.3) displays random points in this animation prematurely. The animation works fine in Safari & Chrome. 


    I'm not sure how to solve this one. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Here is an image of the problem with red arrows pointing to some of the random spots.




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