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Posts posted by psygnus

  1. Eureka!


    I had to kill the existing tween before creating the new one in order to get a smooth transition.

    Of course, that required keeping a reference of the object in order to have something to kill!


    The following code, based on your help and using my object oriented approach gives the best results!

    function MyObj(params)
    	this.obj = somedata; 	//construct canvas object
    	this.tween = null; 		//declare tween and set to null on object creation
    	//..rest of object constructor...
    MyObj.prototype.startTween = function(y, speed) { //"speed" is pixels per second
    this.tween = TweenLite.to(this.obj, Math.abs(y - this.obj.y) / speed, {y:y, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:on_stop, onCompleteParams:[this.rNum]});
    MyObj.prototype.stopTween = function()
    	//Calculate new dest based on some other data
    	newdest = some_calculations;
    	startTween(newdest, speed);
    //create an object
    a = new MyObj(few_params);
    //start object tween like this
    a.startTween(1000, 200);
    //stop object tween on whatever event type you need simply calling stopTween()

    I am curious to find out what causes that tween jump, if you don't kill the first tween.

    My guess is that the re-calculations to change the tween on the fly are expensive enough to break the smooth motion(?)


    Anyway, thanks to your insight i got it. Thanks a million!

  2. Your code works almost perfectly, but i am getting a small but noticeable jump on the object tween when the function is executed.

    I am not sure how to address that, but i would like to try this if possible : 

    Can i detect somehow the moment the object reaches the new destination y and stop/pause/kill the tween there?


    Thanks again for the help, really appreciate it.


  3. Thanks for the feedback. Sorry if i wasn't specific enough, i am actually tweening a canvas object (an easelJS container).

    I will try your approach, first thing tommorow (currently AFK).


    While i was waiting for feedback i tried to use updateTo by changing destination and calculating a new duration, but the result was not what i imagined.

    It worked but it was not smooth enough, like it made the object jump a few pixels abruptly. But it could have been wrong calculations.

    Is it weird that it kind of worked?


    Anyway i'm really thankful, will post more feedback tommorow.

  4. Hello, everyone!
    I would like some help in order to use updateTo function correctly.
    I create tweens like this : 

    this.tween = TweenMax.fromTo(this.cont2, time/1000, {y:0}, {y:1000, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete:on_stop, onCompleteParams:[this.rNum]});

    and i would like to be able to stop it during tweening, by setting a new destination y parameter.
    So i tried to do it like this : 

    this.tween.updateTo({y:500}, false);

    but this is changing the object's current y position, and not the final y destination.
    So based on the documentation, i am changing the fromVars Object, instead the toVars Object.


    My question is, wether i can change the destination position on the fly, and how.


    Thanks in adnvance!


    EDIT : 


    I was wrong. The above way to change destination y is correct!

    It seems like i have to change manually the duration of the tween also. That's why i was getting the wrong visual effect i was looking for.


    So i rephrase my question. Is there a way to tell the tween to stop at the new updated y parameter, regardless of the initial duration? Or do i have to calculate the distance covered, and figure out how much time it should get.


    Thanks, and sorry for the misunderstanding...!

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