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Posts posted by lexbi

  1. Hey Jonathan,


    Thanks for your response!


    The effect I am trying to get is to not have it jump maybe 0.3s after the end of the transition. Basically I want firefox to behave like chrome does if you compare the following examples:


    Here is an example in chrome:



    Here is what happens in firefox:



    Firefox seems to change its state at the end of the transition.


    Also regarding your other comments, my css on my actual project is more like what you've described, I've updated the codepen to reflect this a bit more accurately.

  2. Hey,
    I've seen some topics on this before suggesting that a few things will work, but I haven't had any luck so far.

    This is what I am witnessing: http://cl.ly/0A050R0z2Y47

    If you can see, the element seems to change its state at the end of the transition and moves like 1 pixel down.
    Potential CSS fixes have so far proven a failure (for firefox), including setting:


        perspective: 1000px;
        -webkit-perspective: 1000px;




        -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
    None of them seem to work.
    I have also tried setting "force3D:true" to my GSAP JS, this does seem to work for chrome.
    I have also tried rotating to & from values of 0.001 to 0.002
    Is there anything else I can try?

    See the Pen aOMqKw by lexbi (@lexbi) on CodePen

  3. Hey,


    I'm getting this error in the console:


    Uncaught TypeError: e[t].apply is not a function


    Not doing anything too fancy:

    var tl = new TimelineLite();
    tl.add(TweenLite.to($(".dropdown_menu_wrapper.show_arrow i.fa"), 0.5, { y:10, ease:Expo.easeOut }));
    tl.add(TweenLite.to($(".dropdown_menu_wrapper.show_arrow i.fa"), 0.5, { y:0, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:tl.restart() }));

    Any ideas on what this could be? I've tried using TimelineMax & TweenMax too, same issue.

    See the Pen BNYMYe by lexbi (@lexbi) on CodePen

  4. Hi GreenSockers,


    Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong here? I've added a codepen url to the post.


    Basically I'm getting a couple of errors on click on the links in my example, I want to use display:none; & display:block; to show/hide because I want "active" elements to take the space of the ones that have been hidden.


    It currently works exactly how I want, though I'm concerned about the errors I get in the console upon activating these elements:


    Uncaught TypeError: this.vars[r].apply is not a function

    Uncaught TypeError: this.vars.onStart.apply is not a function




    See the Pen YXyaLa by lexbi (@lexbi) on CodePen

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