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nico fonseca last won the day on September 10 2021

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nico fonseca

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  1. nico fonseca's post in Advice on carousel implementation was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Antdev , here you have a thread with an effect similar to the one you want to implement 🙌
  2. nico fonseca's post in Elastic SVG Morph on Click and Swipe was marked as the answer   
    Hey @SkyFall, welcome to the forum ! 💚
    I updated your code so that the animation works with the button, and I updated with the new GSAP version 🙌
    If you need to pause the animation you can use the paused:true property in your tween.

    See the Pen eYejgJp by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

    And yes if you need to change something with drag you can use Draggable + Inertia Plugin and change the timeline progress for example 🙂
  3. nico fonseca's post in DOM element's style doesn't stay what I set it to after the gsap.to function completes. was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Bimal Pandey you can use the same tween and play with the reverse and play methods to show and hide the cursor.
    I made a Codepen for you so you can see the example in action 🙌

    See the Pen 8dca6234eee2852316e898382b34b303 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
    PS: To follow the cursor you can use the method quickSetter() for a boosted performance 
    Happy tween 🎉
  4. nico fonseca's post in Stack elements on display grid was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Anael_, welcome to the forum ! 💚

    There are many ways to solve this and I created one for you 🙂. The problem when using position absolute is that you lose the .container dimension (width, height) and if the elements were not positioned with position absolute animation can get weird.
    So I created this, only animating the transform x, y, calculating the container dimensions and the left position of the element.

    See the Pen XWareXV?editors=0110 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

      I hope this helps 🙌
  5. nico fonseca's post in Timeline / Class application issue was marked as the answer   
    Hi @tibo78, when you use $('.whatever') jQuery will target all those elements from your page, so it is the same as document.querySelectorAll('.whatever'). So when you use those elements to animate with GSAP all are affected.
    You need to target only the elements you want to animate, you can do something like this:

    See the Pen 0aa7834959a64963e469a2d64e5328ec by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

  6. nico fonseca's post in GSAP Masking Slider was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Syed Azam, welcome to the forum! 💚

    You can do something like this: 

    See the Pen e81138427318c2826079e5c3f2ac4d41?editors=1010 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

    The trick to achieve the mask effect is move the parent element to a direction and they child element to the opposite at the same time. gsap.to(parentElement, { xPercent: -100, duration:1 }); gsap.to(childElement, { xPercent: 100, duration:1, });
    I hope this can help you. 🙂
  7. nico fonseca's post in Animating expanding cards with GSAP was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Syntrix ,
    If you use '.tiles .child' you are affecting all tiles children of your page, but you need to target only the clicked tiles. For example:

    See the Pen 1a2940a4f8186b528f3fd56344e813a8 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

    I added this on your code and now only the content of the clicked tile will be animated 🙂 const content = tile.querySelector('.inner-content');
    See the Pen 6b14dfdd6d6d63285ba927580178efa1?editors=1010 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  8. nico fonseca's post in Playing audio - error seems to want page interaction was marked as the answer   
    Hey @PG1 that is because Chrome blocks the audio if the user didn't interact with something in the page. You need to add a button or any action so the user can interact on the page before your animation. You can check this if you click on the page before your animation begin.
    To avoid audio errors you can go here. 🙂

  9. nico fonseca's post in Horizontal card flip feels off was marked as the answer   
    Remove the rotationX:180  and set rotationY:180  
    gsap.set(".qf-back", { rotationY: 180 });
    See the Pen d545b63056a5335bae9abe60660b0c46?editors=1010 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  10. nico fonseca's post in Set overall timeline play multiplier without dev tools was marked as the answer   
    Hey @PG1 you can use .timeScale() method to change the velocity of your timeline 🙂

    See the Pen 2bf967d372822e74956540bc54c5650e by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

  11. nico fonseca's post in Push text on change element width was marked as the answer   
    Hey @_Greg _ I really liked the idea 🙂
    I used a quickSetter to set the lines position and updated them based on the wrapper position.

    See the Pen 27b6e70f467907cd31e5ed6f528a5c90?editors=1010 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

      Is it helpful ? 
  12. nico fonseca's post in (Timeline?) function to sync video loop with animations was marked as the answer   
    @Space Man I'm not seeing anything in your pen. Please import GSAP and add the missing HTML elements ("#sweep_slow, #sweep_fast,#flash") so we can check your issue. 

    Btw here is a recent thread about how to sync a video with a timeline:
  13. nico fonseca's post in 3 Divs in a row acting separately while last div fill full-width was marked as the answer   
    I only used querySelector to get the div child from valOne/valTwo and set the innerHtml.
    I don't know if I understand what you need, but the clip animation is not doing anything. Also, you need to use clip-path instead of clip as it is deprecated, you can learn more here.

    I leave you an example of a clip-path animation 🙂

    See the Pen 4fc55558b1a5fc49a4170e4b6031aa59 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  14. nico fonseca's post in timeline multiple elements simultaneously with different opacity was marked as the answer   
    @Skatedan something like this?

    See the Pen 4e8a91ca94a783949a147dd62661552a by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  15. nico fonseca's post in How can I enable and disable buttons with another button? was marked as the answer   
    Here I made a pen for you

    See the Pen b1ff5801861c6ae59f2dcd041c3acfcf by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  16. nico fonseca's post in How to make a tween pickup the timeline from any given point? was marked as the answer   
    @Elindo   x:200  This syntax doesn't exist in Javascript, you can use the getProperty method to get the x value from your element:
    btna.onclick = () => { if (gsap.getProperty("#Rod","x") < 200) { if(animation)animation.kill(); animation = stagea1(); } else if (gsap.getProperty("#Rod","x") == 200) { if(animation)animation.kill(); animation = stagea2(); } }  
  17. nico fonseca's post in Circular Text Effect was marked as the answer   
    @whizzbbig something like this?  🙂


    PS: I don't know why, but you need to reload the preview to see the animation 🤷‍♂️
  18. nico fonseca's post in Best way to visualise timeline was marked as the answer   
    @Cassie I think @PG1 need something like the pen that you created for the position parameters

    See the Pen PopXddg by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    I love this pen 💚
  19. nico fonseca's post in Appending tweens to timeline is throwing off animation timings was marked as the answer   
    Hey @PG1 you need to change this : 
    tl.add(spinAnimation); tl.add(moveAnimation); to this:
    tl.add(spinAnimation()); tl.add(moveAnimation()); 🙌
  20. nico fonseca's post in Div Flip, color change was marked as the answer   
    Hey @ThePixelPixie you can do something like this. Send the color you want to the function in order to animate

    See the Pen ecfe39fecf06caa658105d4536da694a by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  21. nico fonseca's post in tl.play() does not work inside an IntersectionObserver was marked as the answer   
    Hey @CodyHill, first you need to declare your timelines outside the observer, otherwise every time it is activated you will have a new timeline
    and then you set pause as default property in the first timeline, so all the timeline tweens are paused.

    See the Pen 443a63d77367c077e1e674c7d3726834 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  22. nico fonseca's post in Scroll trigger with laravel loop was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Lolia Trafam you need to use a forEach to animate each element individually, otherwise GSAP animate all elements with the same time.
    You can see more about it here: 
  23. nico fonseca's post in Passing .to animations into a timeline as variables was marked as the answer   
    Hey @PG1 You can encapsulate timelines in functions and return them. So you can add them to your main timeline in case you need it.

    See the Pen dddfbcace3b98e86269a13a95518c709 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

    Does this help you ? 🙂
  24. nico fonseca's post in Timeline with images + videos and animation-related progressbars... was marked as the answer   
    @Milenoi you can use Labels and Seek to go to a specific part of your timeline. 🙂

    See the Pen 14585a76fbb7490c4917556978f8c4e3 by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen
  25. nico fonseca's post in How to make preloader transitions using gsap was marked as the answer   
    Hey @whizzbbig I created a very small demo for you.

    See the Pen fa5f335f743d719744d4f34243a2250f by nicofonseca (@nicofonseca) on CodePen

    To create this type of animation you'll need a loading animation and an entrance animation. So, when all the images are loaded or the loading animation finished you'll start the entrance animation.
    And you don't need the setTimeout() 🙂

    For the shape effect you shared, you can use:  
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