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Posts posted by AntB90

  1. I thought the issue would be something Adobe put in place deliberately so I'm glad you think the same. I think if I check the location of My Documents before saving the video/audio file I can then work around this. Thank you for the quick response anyway.


    EDIT: I don't suppose there's a list anywhere of what response event.text could return for OnError and OnFail (even if it's just the most frequent ones)?

  2. Hey,


    I have created a piece of software which at one point allows users to play a video/audio file. The video/audio file is loaded into the software by the user, re-saved into the users My Document's folder and then VideoLoader loads and plays the re-saved file.


    The issue I am experiencing is that one of software users works at a company where their My Documents folder is mapped to a network location (something like Server01) meaning when VideoLoader attempts to load the video it triggers both the OnFail and OnError functions. 


    Is this something you can't do using VideoLoader or is there a way around this?


    Many thanks.

  3. Hey, thank you for your reply.


    I've loaded in a 10 second video and given it over 5 minutes to load just to check if the metadata was there but this isn't the case. I am converting the video to .flv with ffmpeg beforehand so that the software can play any video format and guess this may be causing the metadata to be lost. Any idea on how I can get around this or is it something I will have to solve with ffmpeg?

  4. Hey, 


    I'm trying to simply load a video and get it's duration. The video does load correctly and plays but video.duration is tracing out as 0. I also tried onComplete but again the duration traces out as 0.

    video = new VideoLoader(filePath, {name:"video", container:scope.videoHolder_mc, x:5, y:5, width:640, height:480, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoPlay:false, requireWithRoot:mainScope.root});//, onComplete:completeHandler});
    video.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, bufferFullHandler);
    function bufferFullHandler(e:LoaderEvent):void {
    trace("video.duration: " + video.duration);

    Thanks in advamce.

  5. Hey,


    I hope my question made sense (it was a bit difficult to explain).


    Putting .globe after currentTarget gives me the following error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


    What I'm trying to accomplish is having an object follow a path (which I've done) but also make that object rotate on it's own axis a set number of times (the amount of times it rotates will control the speed in which each rotation must be done).

  6. Hey,


    I'm having a play with TweenMax creating a solar system in which as you would expect the planets orbit the sun and rotate on their own axis as they do this.


    Having each of the planets orbit the sun is the easy bit and works exactly as I want but i'm trying to come up with an elegant way of having each planet rotate a set amount of times on it's own axis during it's journey around the sun (the speed of each rotation would be determined by the amount of time given for the orbit). e.g. The Earth rotates on it's own axis 365 times (approx) per orbit of the sun. Is it possible to achieve something like this using TweenMax?


    Hope this makes sense :)

    var orbitalPath:CirclePath2D = new CirclePath2D(320, theSun.y, currentTarget.distanceFromSun);
    var pathFollower:PathFollower = orbitalPath.addFollower(currentTarget, orbitalPath.angleToProgress(currentTarget.rotation), true);
    TweenMax.to(pathFollower, (currentTarget.orbitalPeriod *100), {progress:orbitalPath.followerTween(pathFollower, 360, Direction.CLOCKWISE), repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone});
    TweenMax.to(currentTarget, 5, {rotation:360, repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone});
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