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Posts posted by Alpinist1974

  1. Carl, thank you very much for your help!


    I tried #1, which did indicate some tweens were being overwritten, but not the ScrollTo() tweens in question or any of their elements.


    I also tried #2, but that didn't seem to do anything.


    I think the window y position must be getting reset somewhere in the DOM, but I just can't figure out where.


    Ultimately, I solved the problem by using a regular to() tween to animate the y position of the SVG drawing's container div, which seems to work just fine. I've already had to resort to a bunch of SVG-CSS hacks to get the animation to resize correctly at various screen resolutions, so maybe somewhere this is affecting the scrollTo() plugin with regard to the window object?


    In any case, I really appreciate your helpful suggestions, which aren't lost on me, since I will be using GSAP extensively for the rest of this project. Can't wait to try animating molecular physics with particle systems!

  2. Thanks, Carl,


    I'll give it a try early next week --  I would really appreciate the help since I'm kinda stuck at this point.


    I've tried a few things, like using .play(0) and .seek(0) instead of restart(), and while these seem to work for a couple iterations moving back and forth through the timeline, the tweens eventually fail.


    Thanks again,



  3. Hi all,


    First, let me say how much I love Greensock. I started using it about a month ago for the DrawSVG plugin, but quickly realized how useful all of the plugins and features are. Thanks for a great toolkit!


    The problem I am having is that when restarting the master timeline by calling restart(), the window scrolls to the bottom. I have tried resetting the window y position, and this works initially, but the scrollTo tweens are still not honored later in the timeline. I have also tried calling master.play(0) on restart, and this works for one or two iterations, but then the scrollTo tweens misfire and then stop firing altogether. Thinking it's a garbage collection issue, I tried several variations of kill(), but that didn't work for me either.



    I apologize in advance for posting such a huge volume of code in the pen, but I was having a hard time trying to demonstrate the problem otherwise. The ScrollTo tweens start at line 564. For some reason, the slider bar in the pen doesn't trigger restart, but if you drag it to the end and click the Play button, it will appear. You'll see the issue when you click Restart.


    I'm still pretty new to Greensock and animating this way and I don't have that much experience with JS either, though I have gone through many of your excellent CodePen demos and forked some of the code - thanks!


    Thanks very much for any/all help and suggestions!



    See the Pen JdRKxo by mattmiles (@mattmiles) on CodePen

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