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Posts posted by Lucir

  1. Hi, Diaco


    On the stage I have a text element I named 'txtFraction' and I have this code in the creationComplete of the Stage:


    var fracTextId = sym.lookupSelector("txtFraction"); //Obtains the global html id
    var split = new SplitText(fracTextId + '> p', {type:"lines, words", position:"absolute", linesClass:"line++", wordsClass:"words++"});
    var lineArr =  split.lines;
    var wordArr = split.words;
    var re = /^|$/;
    var i =0;
    //This doesn't work:
    for (i = 0; i < wordArr.length; i++){
    var wordHtml = sym.$(".word" + i).html();
    //console.log(wordHtml[0]);//returns undefined
    Would this help? I don't know how to get codepen demo
  2. I'm trying to animate some html text created on the stage of an Edge Animate composition. I applied the SplitText method and created a div for each word. I need to retrieve the text content of each div to locate a certain string which I can do with regular expressions.So I need a handle(?) to manipulate the divs.  Any ideas? Anybody uses SplitText in EA?

  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to access dives created by SplitText and be able to read and change the content. I wanted to create a fraction embedded in text and have the text properly adjust itself around the fraction using SplitText. I also want to be able to read and write the text content of the divs. For that I was trying jquery's text() and html() methods, but the alert I placed in my code says undefined.

    can somebody please look at my code in codepen?

    I'm using Adobe Edge Animate as the main wrapper.

    See the Pen rApJv by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

  4. Hi, everyone

    I'm new here and also new to Geensock. I'm trying to learn TweenLight and SplitText. I was trying to create a text that displays a fraction with a horizontal bar. My question relates to TweenLight using values like "+=50" or "-=50" to move an array of words to the right. I used the following statement:


    var i;

     for(i = 7; i <= 12; i++){
            TweenLight.to(wordsA, 1, {left:"-=50px"});
    I used the code pen http://codepen.io/anon/pen/zxbzZB
    If its not possible to use "-=50px",  how would I retrieve the current position(left) of the element?

    See the Pen zxbzZB by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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