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Posts posted by macfire

  1. I have an old version of GSDevTools.js (v 0.1.11) which is not compatible with the new GSAP 3.11.1.

    Do I need to renew my Club GreenSock membership to get a compatible version?


    For context, I've been using the GSDevTools with the my local version of TimelineMax, et. al., but am recently using GSAP 3.x from Google CDN to develop banner ads.

  2. Jack, thank you. 


    While you may consider it unusual, it's the solution I needed.


    The use case is a slideshow, where each slide is a child timeline -- containing both animation and text.

    I need to allow extra time at the end of each slide for the user to finish reading any text shown, before proceed to next slide.


    I've updated the codepen example with this solution.




    P.S. I checked out the page/video on the position parameter before posting, but I didn't find the example you provided. Maybe I overlooked.

  3. I have a master timeline that combines a series of child timelines.

    (A navbar contains references to the labels of each child timeline so the user can jump to any section of the master.)


    I looking for a way to add extra time at the end of child timeline before moving to the next.

    I've tried, for example, using tl.add("+=4") to the end of a child timeline. But this does not add any time to the end of the child timeline. The next child timeline will play immediately after any tween in the previous child timeline.


    var master = new TimelineMax();
    function child_red() {
      var tl = new TimelineMax();
      tl.to("#redBox", 1, {x:550})
      	   Want to extend timeline by n-seconds.
               No visible animation -- just allowing user time to read some text.
      //.add("+=4");  // <-- doesn't work as expected when at end of child timeline
      //.addPause("+=4"); // <-- interferes with master.goToAndPlay function. Does the pause have to be removed?
      return tl;

    See the Pen PwRNJj by macfire (@macfire) on CodePen

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