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lennco last won the day on December 26 2017

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Posts posted by lennco

  1. Hi @RichardC


    Is it just the ease for stopping the sub you're after?


    // this ease just creates a forward<->back-motion
    var stopEase = 'M0,0 C0.124,0 0.394,0.151 0.484,0.162 0.656,0.182 0.838,0 1,0';
    function _Stop(speed) {
      TweenLite.to(div, 0.2, {
        ease: CustomEase.create("custom", stopEase),
        x: '-=' + 300*speed


    See the Pen Mrmwow by lennco (@lennco) on CodePen


    • Like 2
  2. Hi @Johny13


    Are you sure the element you're targeting is actually scrollable? You can get the current scroll position of an element like this:

    var body = document.querySelector('body');


    I tried adding a div parent with 'overflow:scroll' and set it as the scroll container in the tween, and it worked just fine as far as I could tell.


    Edit: In Codepen it's the parent element of the body that gets the scrollbars.

    • Like 3
  3. Hi Guido


    After some initial testing I can conclude that there's a problem with the bounds.


    When it jumps, it does so to either 360 or 0. If you keep holding the mouse button down, and drag the mouse pointer once cw or ccw arround the center, it starts moving again. The behaviour is the same as if you keep pulling the mouse arround the center (and then back again) after the knob has hit max- or min bounds.



    Scratch that. The rotation value is increased or decreased by 360 if using bounds or not. It was just a symptom.


    I have no idea what's going on, but maybe someone will find the observation useful :)

  4. Diaco beat me to it :-)


    Anyways, here's what I came up with:


    Edit: movement triggers when hovering.

    Edit2: Made the flow feel more natural.


    See the Pen mpEVGZ by lennco (@lennco) on CodePen


    Added a slight rotation to see it from the side. If you want to see it from the top, just remove the rotation from the stage class.

    • Like 6
  5. Hi Jonathan,


    I only tried clicking the button like a normal person, so maybe that's why you can't replicate the problem? :-P


    In either case, your solution works very well. Best of all: it doesn't require a "hack". So I think that's the one I'll go with.


    Where did you find the information on GSAP setting the display property at the end of the animation when using autoAlpha? The documentation only mention that it sets the visibility property. The few times I've tried using the display property in timed tweens, I never ended up with the desired result...

    • Like 1
  6. Thank you for taking the time to look at it, Sahil.


    I fail to see what immediateRender has to do with this particular issue though...?


    I edited the fiddle so you don't have to continously press the button. It will show a popup when there's a mismatch. Sometimes it runs for 20+ cycles, but it always fails at some point.



    • Like 1
  7. Hi,


    I ran into some odd behavior with TimelineMax recently.


    When setting 'display:none' in the timeline, and running it in reverse, everything works as expected - most of the time.


    Quite often though (it's completely random), the display property does not get set - or reset if you will - when reversing, leaving it at 'display:inherit' after the animation is done, as demonstrated in the fiddle. You need to open the debugger to see it (and click the button until it occurs).




    Adding 'clearProps:display' at the start of the timeline is causing other issues, such as 'display:inherit' not being set when expanding.


    The behavior is consistent in both Chrome and Firefox.


    Any ideas?

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