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Posts posted by hamstanim

  1. Hello again!


    What would you think is the best way to animate a huge circle with GSAP?


    I've tried :

    • Changing the width/height of a div with border radius (small to big)
    • Changing the scale of a div with border radius (big scaled down to small and then scaled back up)
    • Changing the width/height of a svg circle

    For example, http://plnkr.co/edit/vgmRe65FmzmzpcpHR7KM in full screen.

    But the animation is not really smooth on Firefox.

    I was wondering if my only option is to use a canvas element.


    Any ideas?

    Thanks :)

  2. http://jsfiddle.net/nqdaj3cL/




    I have a (maybe simple) problem with transforms and GSAP:


    I want to scale a centered object and modify its width but as you can see in the fiddle, the object isn't centered after the animation.

    It's because the translate(-50%, -50%) isn't honored anymore as GSAP keeps in memory the initial x and y values.


    But if I remove the matrix in the inspector and modify manually a transform : scale, it centers fine.


    What can I do in this case?


    Thank you!

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