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Posts posted by OliverHall

  1. Hi there,
    I have a feeling this is a really stupid question simply because it feels like it should be so easy, yet I can't find a solution online that will work for me.
    I have a Sprite that I want to tween the rotation using the "shortRotation" plugin.  Everything is generally ok, except that:
    1) The rotation is occurring around the top left point of the Sprite rather than the centre.  I had read that the default transformation point is the centre, but then I saw a post that suggested this may have changed?
    2) I've tried specifying the transformOrigin using two methods I found online - neither of which work.


    This is my basic call:

    [public var _secondHand:Sprite = new Sprite();]

    TweenLite.to( _secondHand, 1, {shortRotation:{rotation: _secondsDeg } } );


    I read that one could specify the origin as a parameter:

    TweenLite.to( _secondHand, 1, {shortRotation:{ rotation: _secondsDeg }, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" });

    This results in a runtime error as transformOrigin isn't a property of Sprite...  Should I not be using Sprite??


    I also read that you can set a property value on an object using TweenLite.set( ... ).  I tried this too but it also fails at runtime.


    I've also seen references to another plugin "transformAroundCenter" (and AroundPoint) but I don't have Club membership so I don't have these plugins.  Have these plugins replaced support for transformOrigin?


    Please help!  I really like TweenLite so I'm hopeful I can get this to work!



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