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Posts posted by selvinkuik

  1. Thanks @OSUblake!


    I've updated the CodePen with your suggestions and it works perfectly with GSAP 3.4.2.


    I've created a new pen here 

    See the Pen RwpMpzJ?editors=0010 by selvinkuik (@selvinkuik) on CodePen

     which has the new code but now running GSAP 3.6.1.


    Under the latest GSAP the animation runs fine for the first loop. But after that the opacity fade out glitches. Do you know if it's possible to do this animation with the latest GSAP or should I use 3.4.2?


  2. I'm hoping I'm missing something super basic, but in the Codepen example here I am trying to start this animation with all the elements having opacity: 0.


    You can see this is set in the CSS. I then have a delay before the animation starts. However, GSAP is overriding the opacity and setting it to 1, then waiting for the delay then setting the opacity back to 0.


    How can I get the animation to start with opacity: 0?

    See the Pen ExWEZKd by selvinkuik (@selvinkuik) on CodePen

  3. Thanks @mikel


    I did read that. Maybe I'm not understanding. I don't want my animation to scrub backwards – even before the end of the animation has been reached.


    For example, here the parallax works going right but not left.


    See the Pen poyowxq by selvinkuik (@selvinkuik) on CodePen


    From my understanding of toggleActions, you have to get to one of the toggle places (e.g. the end) before you can trigger an action. Put it another way, I want to scrub forwards only, not backwards

  4. I feel a bit apprehensive posting this as I really thought it would be something I could find in a search. I'm in the process of converting a project from ScrollMagic to ScrollTrigger.


    As the title says, I'm looking for the reverse: false equivalent in ScrollTrigger but I can't seem to find anything on this. Does it exist? Hoping someone tells me I'm being blind!


    EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm aware of the once: true option, but only kills the animation once the end point is reached, meaning you could scrub backwards and forwards before you have reached the end. I'm looking for a way to only scrub forwards...

  5. I have a moderately complex animation running here:


    On desktop, everything runs very smoothly. However, on mobile devices the animation is slightly jittery.


    The whole animation is composed using Morph SVG. There are 5 main elements of the animation and 14 keyframes, please feel free to inspect the JS to see.


    This is one of my first Greensock animations, so I would be keen to learn how this type of animation can be optimised.

    See the Pen by play (@play) on CodePen

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