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Posts posted by mikefosbrook

  1. I tried reproducing the problem in a codepen but it works in the codepen  :?


    See the Pen LEYdER by anon (@anon) on CodePen


    I'm basically working with code on a iPad presentation platform that I didn't write that includes every js plugin under the sun to work.
    There's touchy.js going on and nested translate transform3d stuff going on with vertical and horizontal scroll.

    Essentially the further the rotation is defined in a slide from 0,0 of the main container, the less you can control the dial. Kind of like the opposite of leverage.


    I read an article about 3d transforms and not sure if it's anything to do with perspective but I'm pretty beat with this and might have to take Draggable out of the equation because sadly I can't change the framework I'm working with. Doh!



  2. I'm using multiple instances of Draggable in the type:rotation and I've hit a snag.


    I'm building a html based single page app for iPad, this slides horizontally through sections of content using 3d transform. You swipe vertically within a section to see slides, and swipe left or right to move through sections. It moves 1024px every section swipe.


    Draggable rotation works perfectly if it appears on any slide in the first section, but the interaction is offset somehow on slides in  subsequent sections. it's as if the datum point is relative to the window, or the Draggable instance is locked in the vertical plane of dragging.


    Here is the container markup of which all the code sits - I'm afraid the code is too complex to add to a codepen.

    <section id="Container" class="collection" style="width: 3072px; transform: translate3d(-1024px, 0px, 0px);">


    I've tried looking into the applyBounds function and defining bounds, I even took the example back to the basic one on codepen. Ive used setTimeout to see if I was calling Draggable too early. I'm stumped.



  3. I have a dial I wish to retrieve the rotation value from after a submit button is clicked. A user can rotate the dial and upon clicking the button the dial should animate to the update position and the percentage value use the calculateAngle.


    I've tried retrieving all manner of properties from the Spinner object itself and the tweenlite object but I can't get a dynamic value, always returns the end rotation value but I want it to poll the rotation in the same way that the percentage value updates when you directly interact with the dial.


    The reason I want the value to animate is I wish to re-use the animated value to animate a pie chart type fill which will be overlaid on top of the dial.  



    See the Pen XJrLXm by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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