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Posts posted by ScotKinney

  1. Yeah, I sensed that could be a problem. If it was spinnable though, and not always spinning, do you think I could drag it when it was not being spun? Maybe a right click to spin it or to drag it vs both being left click? Always spinning slowly is probably less desirable and I could let go of that thought. 


    Then the last thing I need to be able to do is click or double click the globe to open a window. Preferably, a window that expands out as it opens. 

    This is all just an idea based on some of the high tech looking GUI's you see in movies like Iron Man and others where you grab an element, drag it to the center, open it, use it, close it and toss it back, and grab another. I want to make the GUI as fun as functional.

  2. I'm trying to find an example of a globe that sits and slowly rotates and is also spinnable (just for the fun of it) but I'm really having a hard time finding a good example. It would have at least the appearance of being 3D whereas the rectangles in the draggable demo are flat. I'm sure it's simple and can be done with GSAP but I have to know for sure. It wouldn't have to be achieved using GSAP but would have to work with it.

    Also, do you know if there's a way to save the re-positioning of the elements if if they come back to the page later?

  3. I want to create a GUI for a game using draggable. Something similar to the draggable demo with a grid, throw, easing etc.

    But rather than rectangles I want to use spheres that look 3D that the user can spin horizontally with some easing also.

    Then onclick the sphere's would do standard things like open a text box or another window.

    The GUI uses Awesomium to display the web page as a transparent overlay on top of the 3d game screen.


    Is this something I can do easily and are there any examples? I looked around the site quite a bit but couldn't really find any.


    Thank you,



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