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Posts posted by raskolnikov

  1. Hey all!


    I've been doing a lot of animating along bezier curves and created a simple little helper tool/function that converts an SVG path into an array of cubic bezier points that can be plugged directly into GSAP Tweening functions. It's still missing a little functionality for quadratic and elliptical arc movements, but I haven't come across any issues with it yet converting SVGs saved out of Illustrator.


    Just thought I'd share in case anyone else finds it useful.




    I'll update to incorporate the other SVG movements (and cleanup the code. It's pretty quick and dirty at the moment...) as I have time. Any feedback welcomed.





  2. I've created a few animations that run simultaneously along a bezier curve and stop at different points along the path by utilizing another Tween to control progress. Everything animates perfectly, but I keep getting the following error in my console:


    TypeError: a is undefined

    a._lazy = false;



    Looking into the source it seems that this has something to do with the new "lazy" rendering feature released in 1.12.0
    Any ideas as to what's going on here?
    Here is my code as it pertains to this issue (Only loading the TweenMax.js library):
          var trajectory_path = [
          var rockets = $('.rocket');
          var full_duration = 20;
          var full_progress = .9;
          var contest_progress = 1; // as float percentage
          rockets.each(function(i,rocket) {
            // Create tween on bezier curve
            var progress = parseFloat($(rocket).attr('data-progress')) * full_progress; // Get this from data attribute
            var duration = full_duration * contest_progress; // This should reflect the contest week and not the trajectory distance
            var t = TweenMax.to(
                  type: 'cubic',
                  values: trajectory_path,
                  autoRotate: 90
                ease: Linear.easeNone,
            // Animate
                progress: progress,
                ease: Linear.easeNone

    See the Pen oiDxg by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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