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celli last won the day on January 3 2016

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Posts posted by celli

  1. Thank you PointC ! I see what you mean. As far as calculating the duration of each tween, how would I do that?


    After I calculate the duration of each tween, then would I change the moment when each new tween starts? I thought if I started each tween right after the previous one ends, then I am basically calculating the time for the previous tween. I think I am missing something, hopefully you can shed the light.

  2. Hi,


    I am looping a series of GSAP staggers and I am running into an issue where it seems to flash the content on each new loop, when I increase the stagger amount.  Currently in my codePen I have a set to stagger: 0.02 and the loop is not noticeable at all, but when I increase the stagger to 0.2, then you can see when the timeline repeats it produces a flash of content and is not a smooth loop. 

    Maybe it has to do with the way I am  referencing my splitTexts or the way I am staggering? I wonder if there is a better way--to avoid this flash of content when it is looping slower?

    See the Pen PoLOxMY by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  3. @Carl yes, thank you. Animating the actual elements within the clipPath does work in Safari.

    The only issue I see is that I would have multiple elements within each clipPath, and it doesn't look like I can use <g></g> tags to wrap all elements within each clipPath, so I wouldn't be able to animate them together as a unit -- do you know if we can group all clipPath elements in each clipPath in another way?

  4. Hi GSAP!

    I am animating a clipPath which works perfectly in Chrome, but in Safari and iOS it doesn't seem to animate. The black rectangles will animate on scroll as they get to the top of the viewport.

    I read about clipPath bugs in webKit Safari from back in 2017-2018, but I didn't think they still exist. I can change clipPaths to masks in the SVG, but larger SVG masks always seem to be much more costly on CPU and tend to slow down my pages.

    Is there is another way or maybe something I'm missing with GSAP that should animate this in Safari/iOS.

    See the Pen oNyzGGE by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  5. Thanks for the insights.

    Adding the borderRadius to the timeline will not help. Since you added 2px it might not be as noticeable as 8px, but it doesn't really solve the issue.

    I think to Rodrigo's point I will just animate the width/height since performance-wise the shadow will be doing more work than the width/height calculations. I was hoping there was something I was missing that could accomplish this while keeping the border radius intact, but I see the issue and no silver bullet. Thanks again guys.

  6. I understand that animating the 'width' or 'height' properties are not performant or recommended vs. using scaleX and scaleY, so I am trying to use scale.


    The only issue is that while using scale, since my scaling of X and Y s not equal, my border-radius is effected and creates a strange shape. Is there anyway around this, or would it be okay to just animate the 'width' and 'height' in instances like this?

    See the Pen oNdzRNv by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  7. Hi Jack,


    You were absolutely correct. I had something else in my project that was causing the issue.

    I am also animating the elements on window load, and this is what was causing the issue. I updated the codePen with this intro animation. If I mouseenter quickly on the element (before the initial window.load animation ends) then I would run into the issue.

    I wrapped a setTimeout function (or I could use a callback) on my functions that control the hover effects and that did the trick—but is there a better way using GSAP to accomplish this?


  8. Hi, I have a gsap timeline that seems to stop mid way through the animation when I mouseleave quickly. The point at which it stops seems to be unpredictable in my real project, but it's always when I move my mouse quickly. It doesn't seem to happen much on this codePen, but it does happen pretty often in my project. I tried to set the progress back to 1 and then kill it (as you see in my codePen) but it still doesn't seem to work effectively.

    I still want it to animate in reverse on mouseleave, but in-case it gets stuck I'd like a way to force it back to the starting position.

    See the Pen 54aa93a612d345fa643f6b5ced9910f2 by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  9. Hi all, I hate to dig this one back up. As I dug deeper into it, I noticed that it seemed to kill all of my scrollSmoothers, not just the ones that I am trying to target. For instance I added two boxes above the images without the class of .smootherReset768 and while those keep their original data-speed attributes (resizing below 768px), the smoothScroller stops working for those elements as well. When I resize the browser to above 768px only the elements with my class .smootherReset768 re-initiate the scrollSmoother behavior.

    I tried it several different ways, but I was still not able to get my other elements without the target class of .smootherReset768 to retain the scrollSmoother behavior, without removing the t.kill() function.

  10. I actually notice now that I test my codePen further in live mode, when I resize my browser multiple times, the behavior doesn't seem to stick, the original values seem to remain persistent. I also notice that if I start my browser under 768px wide, the data-speed change doesn't take effect.

  11. I'd like to set effects to false, but only for elements with a certain class of .smootherReset768, and then set them back to their original, so I really don't want to kill the whole scrollSmoother. When I try to recreate the scrollSmoother in my resize function it doesn't seem to work, so I f figured if I can capture the original values and then re-inject them into the elements when I resize over 768px that would work (also as you suggested), I just wasn't able to get that working. I see your code above so I'll give that a whirl, but it doesn't reference the elements with the class of .smootherReset768, so I'm not sure where I get the originalSpeeds from.

  12. I am trying to create the loop, record values and then return them back into my elements, which I have not been able to do successfully as you can see in my pen—but now I am wondering can I kill() the existing scrollSmoother in the elements with this class only, and then restart scrollSmoother in my resize function? Or would that not work?

  13. 25 minutes ago, PointC said:

    I think you could probably loop through all the elements with a data-speed attribute and record them. Then loop back though that array on resize to put them back to original values. 


    Happy tweening.



    humm, yes that will be the trick :) I will try 

  14. Hi,


    I have a scrollSmoother page setup and I am using in-line data-speed attributes. I am changing the data-speed at a 768px break-point, because *some* of my content stacks at that break point and I need to change the data-speed at that break-point, which works well.

    I want to return my data-speed to their original settings when my browser resizes again to larger than 768px, is there a best way to accomplish this? Obviously I do not have anything in my else statement to change the data-speed to anything specific, but since there will be many elements that will use this technique (and the data-speed numbers would be different for each, depending on what the situation is), I want to see if I can easily return each of the elements to their original data-speed in some way that I might be missing or with smoothScroller ?


    If you resize my codePen, look at the 2-column images and then resize back to above 768px, you will see what I mean.


    See the Pen qBpwxxJ by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  15. Hi,


    I have a loop with hover animations happening in each element, which all works except for my pseudo element with is selected using CSSPlugin. I can animate a single pseudo element, but when I put it into a loop (for multiple elements), it doesn't seem like I can select each of them. Is there a special way to use the CSSPlugin in this instance?

    See the Pen RwLNazp by celli (@celli) on CodePen

  16. @OSUblake, have you noticed since the 3.10.3 update that the smoothScroller is acting unexpectedly when resizing the browser window ? I was going to recreate another codePen test, but I checked this page https://greensock.com/scrollsmoother/ and I see the same thing happening there. When I resize my browser window/viewport from large to small, sometimes the top of the page is cut off, and often the smoothScroller and parallax effects stop working, until I refresh the page again. I just wanted to see if you are seeing that behavior as well on the gsap page.

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