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Posts posted by kellyimaging

  1. On 2/23/2017 at 9:24 AM, greensock@droga5.com said:

    I tried to follow Cory Hudson's tutorial for setting up templates, but it just got messy, and I abandoned it partway through. I might have to take a crack at that again.


    I decided to finally crack open Adobe Animate in 2019, I've been dragging my feet - and doing just fine with hand coding banners with the GreenSock timeline, but I wanted to see if Animate had any benefits for my banner development. I was excited to have found Cory's step by step guide for banner builders - but I was quickly banging my head against the wall when they failed to compile with the latest version of Adobe Animate 19. It's comforting to hear that I'm not the only one who gave up on these seemingly helpful starter templates.


    @davi it's interesting, you say you don't even bother using the Adobe Animate generated HTML, but rather use your own?

    I will need to be sure my files work in Google Ad Manager or Sizmek.

    So if I were to create my own templates,  things I would need to be sure to manage, would be:

    1) Add the meta tag with the ad.size to comply with Google's requirements: <meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250">

    2) Handle how I was sizing assets for larger displays

    3) Make sure the correct ClickTag code was in place.

    4) Any thing else???



  2. @Carl


    Hi Carl,

    Did you ever get a good working example of GWD files working with GS?

    I've been holding off on using the platform, waiting for all the kinks and bugs to calm down...


    Right now I'm leaning more towards Adobe Animate to start incorporating more timeline character animations, but I would be interested to find out what the GWD + GreenSock setup looks like.


    I've been using GreenSock since the Flash days for banner and digital magazine builds. Most of my banners are for the entertainment industry and involve a video player for a movie trailer, and then resolves with an end-frame animation, were I use the GreenSock timeline to animate the movie-key-art. I'm still not convinced that moving away from hand building my banners would be a good thing. So far GWD and Adobe Animate just seem like a big pain in the butt - but I wanted to be sure I was not missing out on any advantages gained by mobile templates, gallery templates, character animation, etc.


    I'd love to hear about banner workflows that others find useful!


    • Like 1
  3. ""Are you absolutely POSITIVE that the actual class files are AS3? It definitely sounds like you've got AS2 classes instead of the AS3 ones. Try deleting your ASO files too. Check to see if your classpath points to an AS2 directory as well. ""


    I will check again.

    We set the classpath to the AS3 directory only.


    Everybody is out to lunch..... I'll check when they get back :P

  4. Error: 5007 An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition.


    I am trying to convince the new development team I am working with to start using Green Sock as they transition into AS3.

    They downloaded the GS library last week and I made sure they were setting up their Publish Settings correctly to point to the correct GS folder.

    We are using TweenMax only, not TweenLite.


    The problem is:

    When I pass them one of my working .fla files, they can run it on their computer until they re-save the file. Then it gives them this error:

    "TweenLite.as,Line 1 5007:An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition"


    But when they pass the folder back to me, then it runs fine!?

    Are we being stupid here? could be.


    Any ideas what the heck is going on?






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