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Posts posted by jeffg

  1. Hmm... Well the reason I wrote the question is that what I really want is your TimelineLite/Max abstraction, to help with chaining, grouping and parallelizing visualizations.  I've already got my own tweens and can run them in order, with a callback on completion, and a ticker that drives this.  So let me ask you directly: is there a way I can use your TimelineLite/Max wth my own tweens & ticker e.g. '3rd' party tweens and animation drivers?


    Looking at your code with it's idioms it's a bit tough to see how to do this...e.g. the relations and dependencies between your tweens & ticker and your timeline is hard to glean for me... I see a roottimeline created in the tween code, but unraveling how events flow and how and when the timeline code needs to get called are non-obvious.  Perhaps it's too complicated to be worth it...?

  2. I've got a game in progress that requires sequencing of animations with more sophistication, much as TimelineLite/Max provides.  I'm already tweening and animating canvas and css items, and I control (including starting and stopping) a requestFrameAnimation loop as part of it.  To use TimelineLite/Max I'd have to do too much surgery, I think.  Can I maybe drive it from my own requestFrameAnimationLoop? If all the animations are done, and I stop requestFrameAnimation, will that affect TimelineLite? Can I own the ticker and successfully use TimelineLite/Max ??



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