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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Hey guys, 


    Thanks for the replies / links and explanations. 

    currently we don't support filters as they don't seem ready for primetime in all browsers: http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-filters (shocker: IE doesn't support them)

    This is good to know and @Rodrigo thx for sharing SVG libraries (Raphael and Easel)

    It's something I will look into in the future. 

    I'm very enthusiastic about GSAP.JS and shared it with some friends. 
    For now I'm going to dive in the world of JS and get my fingers dirty with it. 
    In the near future when I feel more comfortable with JS I'll start using GSAP.JS and look forward to attributing to your Forum as well (since I'm a fan of sharing knowledge).


    I only started coding with jQuery a few months ago and feel still pretty lost here and there when looking at JS code. And since GSAP.JS has a lot of that I think it's better to have a good basis before jumping on board!


    All in all, thank you very much guys.

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  2. Rodrigo, 

    First of all, you're awesome!!! And second, thanks for the detailed reply. 

    I started using web-development about 6months ago and about one month ago I started using JS. The code for the leaves (making them fly random directions and rotate) is not my own and I can't really answer your question:" In this regard a question: are those values changing constantly or they are a set that's calculated when the page loads?"

    But your explanation about how you would get it done is very clear for me and the fact that it's possible to accomplish with GSAP.JS just brings a big smile on my face. 

    As for your second question: "In terms of FF issues, could you tell us what are those issues?"

    On FF this link: http://demo.chilipress.com/EpicForever/About5 ,, when hovered over one of the characters in the center, everything should become coloured with a 3sec transition. Just as is happening on Chrome. by the way, if you can help me with this, I would very VERY thankful. 

    I believe I am using SVG to create a grey filter effect (with a class="grey"),, and when the character is hovered on I'm removingClass ("grey") with jQuery. On Chrome, Safari and Opera it works fine, but not one FF. On FF the transition happens instantly unfortunately. 

    And when you wrote: "For the superhero image-filter though, that's webkit-specific so you can't use that in other browsers."
    Dit you mean I still have to use this vendor prefix even when working with GSAP.JS? 
    Because the whole vendor prefix thing is one of the most stupid and waste-of-time matters I have come across since I started web-development. I understand how browsers have their own rules and why it is there, but I feel it is a bitch to work with them. I am trying to find a way to get all my animation and transformation and what not done without these damn vendor prefixes in my css all the time. 
    So at this stage my question would be: When I use GSAP.JS, I don't need to use any vendor prefixes right? I mean, that's the whole point of GSAP.JS and that it's faster of course. 


    Look very much forward to your answer. 

  3. Hello,

    I discovered GSAP through a very interesting article on Codepen and based on the presentation I think it is by far the best solution I have found for what I'm trying to accomplish for my projects.  

    I'm using a mixture of CSS and jQuery for it now and it seems to work on Chrome, but not on FF e.g. 

    However, since I recently started coding and am new to all this I wonder wether it's possible to use GSAP.JS and make the colours become visible with a 3sec transition time when hovered over the character?
    The link: http://demo.chilipress.com/EpicForever/About5

    Second: Would I be able to use GSAP.JS to make the leaves rotate and fly random directions for a set period of time (as I have them now)?

    Third: Is it fully cross browser proof so that I don't have the same issue with FF as I have now? 

    Fourth: If I'm correct I can download the GSAP.JS file for free or link to: <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.12.1/TweenMax.min.js"></script>

    And go through the documentation on how it is used / the code and such and from there start implementing it?

    Sorry for the stupid questions. I've been struggling with getting my animations accomplished the best way possible and there seems to be a lot of documentation on them and plugins and what not, but I wasn't able to find a solid solution until I came across GSAP.JS. 
    So at this stage I wonder wether It can really do what I hope and think it can do or not.

    Thank you in advance 

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