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Posts posted by vital

  1. Hello!


    I'm creating a HTML5 project using Flash CC HTML5 canvas.


    What I do is adding animation code to each frame. After all frames passed the banner loops and I want it to have exact animation as at the first playing. But all instances are loosing their original position and properties. I need all the stage elements to reset just as it is at regular flash projects.


    P.S. Previously I worked with greensock AS2 at Flash CS 6 - everything worked perfect.


    Best regards, Vital

    banner_test (3).zip

  2. Hello!


    I'm creating a banner using Flash CC HTML5 canvas.

    What I do is adding animation code to each frame. After it completes I want the next frame to be played.


    I included two libs into the HTML file:

    • EasePack.min.js
    • TweenLite.min.js


    So at the current frame I am writing the following code (source file: test7.zip ):

    TweenLite.to(this.target, 1.35, {delay: 0.1, y: 180, ease:Elastic.easeInOut, onComplete: pplay } );
    function pplay(){    

    The frame is animated but it stops at the end instead of going to next frame. At this time the alert works, but I can not skip it - it's like a loop function.


    How can I get to the next frame?



    P.S. Previously I worked with greensock AS2 at Flash CS 6 - everything worked perfect.


    Best regards, Vital

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