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Posts posted by kmcg101

  1. On Monday I had time to dig into your suggestions.  Thanks so much.  In the next few days I will bend it into something that I can automate to spit out many ad sizes in just a few minutes.  Quick question, is there any difference between:


    TweenLite.set(element, {
            rotationY: index * angle
    and using css: {}
    TweenLite.set(element, {css:{
            rotationY: index * angle}
  2. I use GSAP to automate writing CSS.  My job is making web ads so when I invent a new type of ad, it needs to look good and I have to be able to crank out many of them in a short amount of time.  I'm working on one now that uses the following css to create a 3D tube with X faces

    .tube> :nth-child(1) {
        transform: rotateY(0deg) translateZ(5.6em);}
    .tube> :nth-child(2) {
        transform: rotateY(72deg) translateZ(5.6em);}
    .tube> :nth-child(3) {
        transform: rotateY(144deg) translateZ(5.6em);}
    .tube> :nth-child(4) {
        transform: rotateY(216deg) translateZ(5.6em);}
    .tube> :nth-child(5) {
        transform: rotateY(288deg) translateZ(5.6em);}

    This works great when the code is in the CSS file.  But when I try to set the same values using TweenLite in JS, it will not work for all of the sides.  For my 5 sided example, 2 of the sides are smaller than the other ones

    TweenLite.set("#face0", { transform: "rotateY(0deg)   translateZ(5.6em)"})
    TweenLite.set("#face1", { transform: "rotateY(72deg)  translateZ(5.6em)"})
    TweenLite.set("#face2", { transform: "rotateY(144deg) translateZ(5.6em)"})
    TweenLite.set("#face3", { transform: "rotateY(216deg) translateZ(5.6em)"})
    TweenLite.set("#face4", { transform: "rotateY(288deg) translateZ(5.6em)"})

    Is there any reason why TweenLite does not work for all of the sides?

    See the Pen MJwpbY by kmcg101 (@kmcg101) on CodePen

  3. Here's a ridiculous problem I noticed last week.  I've used this rotating cube hundreds of times but last week for the first time I replaced the sides with animated GIFs instead of static JPG or PNG files.  I found that no matter what animated GIF I used for the sides, it would stop animating when the cube was rotated 90 or 270 degrees.  I got around this problem by rotating it 90.5 and 270.5 degrees.  It continued animating when I did that.  Have you ever seen such a thing?  I'm baffled.  
    Here are two examples:
    rotating 90 degrees with each arrow click
    rotating 90.5 degrees with each arrow click


    TweenLite.to(cube, .7,   {rotationY:"-=90.5_ccw", ease:Back.easeOut});

  4. I think you are right that the problem is with Flash, not LoaderMax.  I just redid the test using the Flash loader and got the exact same results.  My Flash version is  It seems there's no way to change the version of the Flash player that Flash uses which is too bad.  I'd love to test a different player.


    I've been working exclusively with Flash for 9 years now and this has only happened once before.  I had a single file that I inherited from someone else and it crashed quite often when publishing.  But as soon as I moved on to my next project and a new set of files, the problem went away.


    Thanks for your information and work.

  5. I just did another test.  I rebooted, published 26 times and on the last publish, Flash crashed.  I started Flash again without a reboot and it crashed on the 2nd publish.  A good way to 'prime' the crash is to put a loadThumbs() in the onComplete handler so that it runs unattended.  After 20 or so loads, stop it, remove load thumbs() in the complete handler and publish a few times for a crash.

  6. I've been testing this for days now and I've reached my conclusions.  I can consistently crash the API while previewing under the following circumstances:


    multiple JPG images are loaded.  I'm using 5 to test:

    1. A LoaderMax instance and appending to the queue using a for loop.

    2. A LoaderMax instance and appending to the queue using parse() and an array of URLs that point to JPG images.

    3. A singular ImageLoader instance in a for loop.


    If I preview this file in the Flash CC for Mac API, after 5 or 10 previews, the API will crash.  If I switch to local image files, there is no crash on preview.  If I reboot it will take more previews but after it crashes once, the next crash happens in less than 10 previews.


    Here is the code I've been using:

    var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.parse(stringArray, {autoDispose: true, onComplete:completeHandler, onChildComplete:childCompleteHandler});

    And the handlers:

    private function childCompleteHandler(event: LoaderEvent): void {
        trace("child done")
    private function completeHandler(event: LoaderEvent): void {

    Is there a memory leak in LoaderMax when loading non-local images in the api?  I haven't noticed problems in the compiled SWF, just in the api when previewing.

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