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Posts posted by Undertone_Daniel

  1. Old thread but I was having issues with individual characters of custom fonts getting cropped at the left or right edge when using split text.
    The only thing that I found to work was to loop through the characters and add a few pixels to their width. Since splitting creates individually sized character divs, the divs were not wide enough to accommodate some of the characters.
    I did something like this:

    mySplitText0 = new SplitText(".copy0", {type:"chars", charsClass:"characterClass", position:"absolute"}),
    chars0 = mySplitText0.chars,
    // pad the character width so there's no cutoff letters 
    for (var i=0; i<chars0.length; i++) { 
       var charWidth = $(chars0[i]).width(); 
       $(chars0[i]).css("width", charWidth+5); 

    Hopefully this helps someone. It's a bit kludgy but this stumped a couple of people for a few hours until we came up with this hack.

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