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Posts posted by Thomas131

  1. Hello,

    I think I've found an other way by looking into the source:

    tree.add(TweenMax.to(function(){},0,{onComplete:function(){$('#map-container').addClass('show-one').removeClass('show-two').removeClass('show-tree').removeClass('show-four');}, onReverseComplete:function(){$('#map-container').removeClass('show-one');}, immediateRender:false}));

    Now, reversing is possible, but it pauses the animation.


    Another information, that is maybe helpfull for helping: I'm also using Tweendeck


    Thanks for helping in advance.

  2. Hello,

    THANKS for answering! And how to define another callback on reversing the animation? I also found out, that this didn't work when the timeline is played multiple times.


    Another time thanks in advance: Thomas131

  3. Hello,

    I want to add a class to an object on a specific position in the timeline.


    didn't work. (tree is a timeline)


    How can I make something like this?

    Thanks in advance: Thomas131

  4. Hello,

    Thanks for answering. I tried this already, but I did a mistake. So it didn't work and I gave up. Then I started to do everything from scratch. Then I saw my mistake.


    Tweendeck is quiet simple. A timeline for every slide. Also a timeline, where all timelines are added by


    At the end

     var anyname = $.tweendeck(full_timeline);


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