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Posts posted by EngageDevs

  1. Hey everyone!


    I have come across a small issue and was wondering if someone could help me sort it out.


    To quickly give some background: I'm building a simple app which randomly picks a person by spinning a wheel of names. The wheel spins a few times before eventually resting on the target. I've found that with longer animations and more complex easing equations the end of the animation jumps a proportion of the distance / rotation.


    I've recorded a couple of examples below:


    Easing: Power0.easeNone



    Easing: Expo.easeOut



    As you can see, at the end of the animation there is a tiny little jump. For the sake of the gif I've actually shortened the tween duration and reduced the amount of rotation. If I increase it the jump is even more pronounced.


    Take a look at the CodePen example as well which illustrates the issue. While setting up that example I also noticed that there is a jump at the beginning of the tween.


    Does anyone have any ideas of how to sort this?




    See the Pen OXBzWW by willblackmore (@willblackmore) on CodePen

  2. Hi Rodrigo,


    I'll see if I have time to put together a demo later today.


    Using update is half working though. Those values are now returned, but until I have interacted with the draggable element they are all set to 0.


    My bad! At some point while attempting to get everything working, I had placed the code which scales the scrollbar grip after Draggable was applied so it essentially had a width of 0. I still need to use .update(true) though, so thanks for that :)




    • Like 2
  3. Thanks, I think I'm getting somewhere:




    This returns a value, which is spot on, however, it only returns that value once the draggable instance has been interacted with for the first time. Is there a way to force these values to exist as soon as Draggable has been applied?

  4. Hi All,


    I could do with some help!


    I'm using the draggable plugin to build a custom scrollbar for a horizontally scrolling element. It works great when dragging the scrollbar, but I also need to update the scrollbar if they scroll using a mouse or swipe with a finger.


    I'm attempting to access a few variables stored within the draggable instance, but I'm always returned undefined.


    Here's a simplified version of my code:

    var scrollbar = Draggable
    		.create($scrollbar.grip, {
    			type: 'x',
    			bounds: $scrollbar.track,
    			cursor: 'ew-resize',
    			onDrag: scrollContent,
    			onThrowUpdate: scrollContent

    This is where I'm getting lost. If I access scrollbar I can see some information stored, but not the three bits I need:

    • max x
    • min x
    • current x

    (I can work all these values out myself, but as the work has already been done, and I just don't know how to access it, I'd rather not duplicate it and instead learn the right way.)

    	.on('mousewheel', function(e){
    		$content[0].scrollLeft += e.deltaX;
    		console.log(scrollbar.maxX); // This is undefined

    Any ideas?




  5. That would kill the tween though right? That functionality is already built into the ScrollTo plugin as far as I can tell. If the user scrolls while the tween is running it is killed instantly.


    What I'm after is a callback, like onComplete which I can use if the Tween doesn't make it to completion.


    For example:

    	.to(window, .4, {
    		scrollTo: 0,
    		onComplete: function(){
    		onInterrupt: function(){

    That would be ideal.




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