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Posts posted by vincent

  1. Or just apply the styles directly via TweenLite.set() initially instead of using regular css. 



    Ok I'll try that, thank you.


    Another question, can we have a real tweenlite property for forcing the gpu on an element ?

    Because, once enabled (with z tricks), I can't disabling them with z = 0.

    Because matrix to matrix3d works but not the reverse.


    Sounds possible ?


    Thank you for your great work, Jack. I made ​​the transition from AS3 to Javascript with you :-)

  2. Hi,


    I want to force the use of gpu composing


    My target is something like this

    <ellipse cx="50" cy="50" rx="50" ry="50" fill="#9c9e9f" style="-webkit-transform: scale(0.2, 0.2);"></ellipse>

    So I force the z property

    TweenLite.set(tween.target, {z:0.1});

    And the result is not really expected

    <ellipse cx="50" cy="50" rx="50" ry="50" fill="#9c9e9f" style="-webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0.1px);"></ellipse>

    The scale is removed. Any better way to doing this? Or maybe it's a bug?



  3. And last thing, you forgot compatibility with Flex components (crop.as).


    if (parent.hasOwnProperty("addElementAt")) { //for Flex compatibility (spark)


    } else {


    _target.parent.addChildAt(this, targetIndex+1);

    _target.parent.addChildAt(_mask, targetIndex+1);





  4. Hi,


    Imagine the following scenario:


    Elem A with Parent X

    Elem B with Parent Y


    var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();

    Ok, now transform manager is initialized with Parent X (onTargetAddedToStage function).

    /* There are more elements in the transform manager */

    The stage has now changed (Parent X != Parent Y) but it does not pass again in the initialization function.


    The simple workaround is to re-instantiate the Transform manager but it would be cool to keep the same instance.

    What do you think?



  5. Hello,


    It's a simple feature request. We have SCALE, MOVE, ROTATE Events, dispatched when transformation occures. We have FINISH_INTERACTIVE_MOVE FINISH_INTERACTIVE_SCALE FINISH_INTERACTIVE_ROTATE Events dispatched on the end.


    Can we have START_INTERACTIVE_SCALE etc... ?


    Many thanks



  6. Yeah, unfortunately that's how Flash handles PNGs - transparent areas are clickable. There isn't a simple fix in TransformManager to avoid that, but I can think of two options you have:


    1) Use a mask


    2) Check out http://blog.mosessupposes.com/?p=40 for an idea of how to hack together a solution without a mask.




    Do you have a little example of using a mask with the image class (and png transparent) ? I really would like select the object hidden by the transparent region.

    Many thanks



  7. Hi there,


    The following problem comes to me and I can't create a simple test for reproduce the bug :






    The current DisplayObject :


    	horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
    	angle='45' blurX='4' blurY='4' distance='4' alpha='0.4' color='#000000' knockout='false' quality='1'
    	strength='1' inner='false' hideObject='false'/>
    				/* Here is my image, the canvas content auto ajust */
    				/* a replacement with an mx:Button don't change anything */


    Thanks in advance

  8. cont.transform.matrix is always null. But matrix3D is set !


    If the matrix property is set to a value (not null), the matrix3D property is null. And if the matrix3D property is set to a value (not null), the matrix property is null.
    For all three-dimensional objects, a Matrix3D object is created automatically when you assign a z value to a display object.


    I have removed a property on my mxml and now it's works !!


    Thanks for your help

  9. Hum, but my SimpleCanvas is a mxml canvas :


    and when I read the canvas documentation, the Inheritance tree show me that DisplayObject is present.

    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langre ... anvas.html


    To be sure, I make the previous test without any cast (IObject)


     var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();
           // instance a new mxml canvas object
      var cont:DisplayObject = new SimpleCanvas();


    The problem persists.



  10. Hi there,


    I have created a Flex project and I want use the transform manager but I have a probleme when I have tried to move object.


    	var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();
           // instance a new mxml canvas object
    var cont:IObject = new SimpleCanvas() as IObject;
    anotherCanvas.addChild(cont as DisplayObject);
    manager.addItem(cont as DisplayObject);


    The simpleCanvas (an image in my example) is displayed but when a event occurs : (matrix is null)


    public static function getDirectionX($m:Matrix):Number {
        var sx:Number = Math.sqrt($m.a * $m.a + $m.b * $m.;
    Main Thread (Suspended: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.)	
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source]	
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent [no source]	
    gs.transform::TransformItem/set selected	
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction [no source]	
    flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent [no source]	


    Any help will be really appreciate



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