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Posts posted by marko

  1. hi


    thanks for getting back


    doesn't solve problem that labels are at start of sequences


    gotoAndStop + an offset works for now, I just hoped for a more elegant solution


    I guess at some point I can look at having child timelines - but I'm still figuring basic stuff at the moment



  2. hi


    as well as playing back an animated visualisation I want to users to be able to jump from point to point.


    If I set labels in the animation they point to the start of an animation sequence not its end point.


    While I can use getLabelAfter() etc + an offset that seems a kludge


    Is there a means to go to a label play back that sequence & stop?


    I've got a simple codepen derived demo at:






  3. hi


    I'm working on an animated timeline, as it plays there is a div showing month of the year, how do I change the text of that div as it plays




    doesn't work


    or how do just go & ask a bit of jquery to do the job?





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