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Posts posted by cotyhsu

  1. Hi everybody,


    So I'm playing around the latest GSAP SrollToPlugin and trying to recreate this sample published on the site:


    The issue I occurred is when I click on the navigation, the content will jump back to the top first then do the scroll, I found if I use the <button> instead of <li> then it works just fine. Does anyone knows what cause this issue? Thanks in advance.



    Here's the code:





    See the Pen LkOrKY by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

  2. Hi guys,


    So if I have to stick with v11, how should I modify this line?


     tween.progress(Math.max((mouseX-startMouseX)/(d5.x-startMouseX), 0));


    I tried 


    tween.progress = Math.max((mouseX-startMouseX)/(d5.x-startMouseX), 0);


    and it is not working (undefined property), wondering if anyone have thought on that, thanks in advance.






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