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Posts posted by TommyD

  1. ok thank you Zach. Actually it's not the best to manually add files into the modules folders but I guess there's no npm package for CustomEase correct? In that case that's the only option.

  2. Hello,

    I have a lifetime licence of GSAP. I have a project where I'm using GSAP 2.1.3 via NPM and I need to add the CustomEase plugin. I'm currently using the following import


    import "gsap"


    If I try to add


    import CustomEase from "gsap/CustomEase"


    it doesn't work so I guess it has to be installed separately. Is there a way to install it via NPM?

    If not I'd like to know where to download it. If I login and download the whole business package it downloads the version 3.


    Thank you,




  3. Hi and thank for your answer. Yes, I'm sorry, Globals was misspelled but it's not the cause of my issue. my_gs is used by the other developers. Their code, which is executed before mine, is the following:

    var oldgs = window.GreenSockGlobals;
    var oldgs_queue = window._gsQueue;
    var my_gs = window.GreenSockGlobals = {};
    // your library here..
        // They misspelled Globals!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // But I don't think that this is the cause
        window.GreenSockGobals = null;
        window._gsQueue = null;
    } catch(e) {}
        window.GreenSockGlobals = oldgs;
        window._gsQueue = oldgs_queue;
    } catch(e) {}

    Then I tried to use your code. This is included after the above one. Here is my code

    var oldgs = window.GreenSockGlobals;
    var oldgs_queue = window._gsQueue;
    var wpppgs = window.GreenSockGlobals = {};
    // your library here..
        window.GreenSockGlobals = null;
        window._gsQueue = null;
      } catch(e) {}
        window.GreenSockGlobals = oldgs;
        window._gsQueue = oldgs_queue;
      } catch(e) {}

    What happens here is that when this code is executed I get the following error:


    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'greensock' of undefined


    and if I try to call TweenMax in this way


    plugin.timeline = new wpppgs.TimelineMax(tlObj);

    // or also plugin.timeline = new TimelineMax(tlObj);


    it returns


    Uncaught ReferenceError: TimelineMax is not defined


    If I force the other plugin to be executed after mine, the two works correctly. But, of course, I can have control over it and there could be other plugins producing the same issue. So I would need to find a way that allow my plugin to work together with any other using TweenMax, whether it's fired before mine or not.




  4. Hi,

    I'm developing a Wordpress plugin which make use of your great library. As you can imagine other developers do the same and this could generate conflicts using multiple installations of TweenMax. I've followed what you suggested here: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/9881-avoid-multiple-loaded-tweenmax-and-tweenlite/ 

    But I keep having problems. There's another plugin which includes TweenMax in this way:

    var oldgs = window.GreenSockGlobals;
    var oldgs_queue = window._gsQueue;
    var my_gs = window.GreenSockGlobals = {};
    // your library here..
        window.GreenSockGobals = null;
        window._gsQueue = null;
    } catch(e) {}
        window.GreenSockGlobals = oldgs;
        window._gsQueue = oldgs_queue;
    } catch(e) {}

    This code is executed before mine. I've tried to do the same without luck. Here is my code:

    var another_gs = window.GreenSockGlobals = {};
    // your library here
    window.GreenSockGobals = window._gsQueue = null;

    I get this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'greensock' of undefined

    And when I try to use it in this way


    another_gs is undefined.



    Could you please help me solving this issue?

    Many Thanks






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