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Posts posted by iamjem

  1. As I needed a solution to this where I could continue to use className tweens for IE8, I wrote some utility methods that has fixed the problem for my project. I'm largely doing the same thing TweenMax does internally, but as noted there is some mysterious problems with certain properties in the current version of TweenMax, namely for me the top property (which is also demonstrated in the fiddle at the start of the post). I am using jQuery in this code. 

    // factory function for building tweens
    var makeClassNameTween = function (selector, duration, opts1, opts2) {
        var method = "to";
        if (opts2 !== undefined) {
            method = "fromTo";
        if (!$("html").hasClass("ie8") || window.getComputedStyle) {
            return TweenMax[method].apply(TweenMax, arguments);
        else {
            var element = $(selector)[0],
                _realTween = null;
            var delay = (opts2 && opts2.hasOwnProperty("delay")) ? opts2.delay : (opts1.hasOwnProperty("delay")) ? opts1.delay : 0;
            var tween = TweenMax.to({ value: 0 }, duration, {
                value: 1,
                delay: delay,
                onUpdate: function () {
                    if (_realTween === null) {
                        var args = [element, duration, { css: getCssDiff(element, opts1.className) }];
                        if (method === "fromTo") {
                                css: getCssDiff(element, opts1.className, opts2.className)
                        args[args.length - 1].paused = true;
                        _realTween = TweenMax[method].apply(TweenMax, args);
            if (method === "fromTo") {
            return tween;
    var currStyleExtend = function (currStyle) {
        var ret = {}, key;
        for (key in currStyle) {
            try {
                ret[key] = currStyle[key];
            catch (e) { }
        return ret;
    // for IE8, finds the CSS differences with and without a className
    var getCssDiff = function (element, className1, className2) {
        var inlineCss = element.style.cssText;
        var diffCss = {};
        var currCss, newCss;
        className1 = className1.replace(/^\+\=/, "");
        // clear inline styles
        element.style.cssText = "";
        if (className2 === undefined) {
            currCss = currStyleExtend(element.currentStyle);
            newCss = currStyleExtend(element.currentStyle);
        else {
            className2 = className2.replace(/^\+\=/, "");
            currCss = currStyleExtend(element.currentStyle);
            newCss = currStyleExtend(element.currentStyle);
            $(element).removeClass(className1 + " " + className2);
        // replace inline CSS
        element.style.cssText = inlineCss;
        // calculate diffs
        var key;
        for (key in newCss) {
            if (currCss[key] !== newCss[key]) {
                diffCss[key] = newCss[key];
        return diffCss;
    // example usage for TweenMax.to
    makeClassNameTween(".selector", 0.5, {
        className: "+=newClass"
    // example usage for TweenMax.fromTo
    makeClassNameTween(".selector", 0.5, {
        className: "+=newClass1"
    }, {
        className: "+=newClass2"

    I will be happy to remove this if the problem gets resolved. For non-IE8 browsers the makeClassNameTween just returns the normal TweenMax instance with the supplied arguments.


    UPDATE: apparently $.extend with element.currentStyle explodes. Some of the keys returned when looping over currentStyle must be "special", added method that try catches to silence them.

  2. Been looking further at the TweenMax source code and it seems to relate to getComputedStyle which IE8 doesn't sport natively and is used with className based tweens to determine prop differences.


    Even after including a polyfill (and perhaps this is the polyfills fault) doesn't seem to patch anything up (I'm looking at https://github.com/jonathantneal/Polyfills-for-IE8/blob/master/getComputedStyle.js), namely because TweenMax points to defaultView.getComputedStyle as oppose to window.getComputedStyle. Altering the polyfill or TweenMax so the polyfill actually gets leveraged just winds up spitting errors (props returned are already camel case from the polyfill, might relate to that).


    Will keep looking...

  3. When doing a className based tween, the unit of properties is not respected. Here is an example:



    I would expect the tween to see that the start value is a percentage for the top property, and the end value is a percentage, and adhere to that unit. However if you inspect the element during the tween, it uses pixels.


    If I'm able to explicitly use percentages in other CSS tweens (ie TweenMax.to(element, duration, { css: { top: "50%" } }) ) then it should behave the same in className based tweens, no?


    I think this is valuable in the rise of responsive websites where viewports are of varying sizes, and percentages allow developers to create "fluid animations" (using percents or other dynamic units) that work everywhere. If I resize a browser amidst a paused tween thats done these conversions, it's likely going to produce undesirable results.



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