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Posts posted by richpixel

  1. Jack - The good news is that in very simple tests inside CocoonJS with TweenLite - it works - everything is normal.


    I happen to be using Pixi.js as my rendering engine... so now I think there may be some collision between the frame update that pixi uses and TweenLite. I misspoke somewhat above when I said the code stopped dead - actually it's pixi that stops getting render updates. TweenLite calls complete as normal. I'll dig some more and let you know if I find anything interesting.

  2. Yes... let me boil it down to just a few TweenLite calls and see if it still fails. For all I know it may be some other interaction in my code that's causing this. I believe in order to run the demo you would need a CocoonJS account and then the iPhone launcher. I'll come back here and post a zip once I know for sure there is an issue.

  3. TweenLite is my tweening engine of choce, but sadly it doesn't work inside CocoonJS. When it reaches a TweenLite method the app literally 'stops dead' - with no error reported in the console. If there's a workaround great, but I really just wanted to report this as CocoonJS is pretty new.




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