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Posts posted by momothemonster

  1. Thanks for the reply. Cocoon has a launcher you can download for iOS and Android and point towards an html page that it will load into its accelerated environment.


    The issue is probably not with your library specifically, since there are currently other ways to trigger the same bug. It's probably within Pixi or Phaser. I cross-posted this issue to a Phaser forum and we're taking a look there. I'll update this thread when we figure it out, for the sake of future searchers.



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  2. Fair enough - I've put together a test.


    Here's the code: 

    See the Pen ukLeb by momothemonster (@momothemonster) on CodePen


    Unfortunately, Cocoon doesn't seem to work with codepen.io at all, so I've uploaded the tests to a server of mine.


    Working: http://mmmlabs.com/serve/gstest/index.html

    Non-Working: http://mmmlabs.com/serve/gstest/gsap.html


    The scene should display an image and tween it to the upper-left corner of the stage. If you load these two urls in the browser, index.html will display a non-moving image, and gsap.html will display the image and then move it. If you load them into Cocoon using Webview/Canvas2D, index.html will display a non-moving image, and gsap.html will display nothing at all.


    The only difference is the call to TweenLite in gsap.html.

  3. I'm seeing this as well - running Phaser (which uses PIXI for rendering), using TimelineMax to manage some looping audio stuff. If I create a TimelineMax, I get a black screen when running in CocoonJS using the Canvas2D/WebGL settings.


    This also happens if I create a TweenLite, TweenMax, etc.

  4. First off - loving Draggable! Thanks so much.


    I have an issue that may just be a misunderstanding of how things should work.




    In this example, if I'm scrolled most of the way to the top and I flick the draggable down, I'll scroll up and then rubber-band back down quite a ways. I'd like it to stop at the first element - ie forget the inertia once it hits the top so you can always flick your way all the way to the top.


    Is the bounce-back displayed here the proper behavior? Am I applying resistances incorrectly?

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