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  1. My bad, it is a page transition indeed. Thanks for your replies, I will look at it.
  2. Thank you for this one. Client's project is actually also in Webflow and the demo has the same direction I would think of. The biggest challenge is that I need to make a seamless transition between to url's/pages (hp to CMS item and back). This demo is essentialy just one page with clever css to mimick the feeling of more pages/layouts and thus the interaction looks so smooth (no FOUC, script loading issues etc.). I will need to look at some examples of FLIP being used on interaction between actual pages. I will be happy for any tip or hint.
  3. I have some updates regarding my efforts: Element "mismatch" was resolved by hiding the scrollbar globally. Here is the link to the code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/withastro-astro-dy5jeq?file=src%2Fpages%2Fabout.astro Looking forward to hearing from you!
  4. Hello, I am trying to recreate the interaction on this website: https://studiod.nu/projecten/witsen-site/, where the user is seamlessly redirected to the next page after scrolling to the bottom. I have created a simple prototype here: https://gsapflippage.netlify.app/#talents (only "Talent 1" has the functionality implemented). I have a few questions: Is GSAP Flip properly utilised in my prototype? Do I need another plugins such ScrollTrigger to achieve desired interaction? I aim for a seamless and smooth animation where the user barely notices the transition. Is FLIP the right choice for this? (You may notice a placement mismatch on the talent page that I need to address). Is triggering the next page based on scrolling to the "bottom" the best approach? Are there any alternative methods I should consider? Is it necessary to implement a page transition to achieve a smoother user experience? If so, what are some recommended practices or techniques? Thank you in advance for your feedback and guidance.
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