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arekuki's Achievements

  1. Hello, @Rodrigo. You, having a cape on your avatar, is more that accurate. You're a life savior I've done all you said, but I still have some issues. 1. In the section #4 there is a list (10 points). It's going smooth till point 3, and then it's stuck. So we can not see the whole list. 2. For example, on mobile version (vertical orientation) the sections look good. But on changing to horizontal orientation they get a bit deformed. Too much negative space and it all looks a bit stretched. Video demo of the issues: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/28665812?key=75663bc5d76b436ce55c9a4088477252 https://codepen.io/arekuki/pen/gOJXbOq If you can help with these two issues, I'll be enormously happy
  2. Good afternoon, guys. I'm maybe asking in the wrong place, but I hope you could help me out or point me to the right place. For several days, I've been trying to achieve a "sticky top" effect for scrollable blocks: block #1 shows up, then block #2 goes over it while scrolling (block #1 stays in place), then the process repeats the same way with all the other blocks (#2 stays, #3 moves; #3 stays, #4 moves, etc.). I've tried HTML/CSS/GSAP. Here's what I managed to achieve. See below: https://codepen.io/arekuki/pen/oNRGZJR But here's what I want to achieve: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KKpLdWW And I'm flabbergasted and don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'll be eternally grateful if you can help. Thank you
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