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Posts posted by KWcksn

  1. Hello! I am creating a website in which it has a preload, then displaying the content. I use ScrollTrigger to create a slide-up panel effect. The problem is, the ScrollTrigger only works after I resize the window. Both are working perfectly fine separately, though. I have tried using scroller

    	trigger: "panel", 
    	scroller: "#content"

    as I have seen other post similar to mine, but it still didn't work. Did I do something wrong? Thanks for the help!

    See the Pen QWRMPJM by Keywcksn (@Keywcksn) on CodePen

  2. Hi Cassie! Thank you so much for replying. I tried to remove the filter, and as you said, it works better! Kinda sad to remove the blur filter, but eh, as long as it works. Again, thank you!!

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  3. Hello!


    I am very, very, very new to GSAP and currently creating my first project with GSAP. However, I am facing a difficulty in animations with iPhone. See, the animation works great on desktop and Android, but on iPhone it somehow... lagging/stuttering.  I am also using 

    See the Pen bGRdvMy by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    from GreenSock (thank you so much!) with little tweaking. 

    I have also tried using z-index and scaleY but it only makes the animation worse. 

    I am so confused and out of ideas... any idea how to improve the performance on iPhone?
    Thank you!

    See the Pen QWRMPJM by Keywcksn (@Keywcksn) on CodePen

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