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  1. Hello! I am creating a website in which it has a preload, then displaying the content. I use ScrollTrigger to create a slide-up panel effect. The problem is, the ScrollTrigger only works after I resize the window. Both are working perfectly fine separately, though. I have tried using scroller ScrollTrigger({ trigger: "panel", scroller: "#content" //other }); as I have seen other post similar to mine, but it still didn't work. Did I do something wrong? Thanks for the help!
  2. Hi Cassie! Thank you so much for replying. I tried to remove the filter, and as you said, it works better! Kinda sad to remove the blur filter, but eh, as long as it works. Again, thank you!!
  3. Hello! I am very, very, very new to GSAP and currently creating my first project with GSAP. However, I am facing a difficulty in animations with iPhone. See, the animation works great on desktop and Android, but on iPhone it somehow... lagging/stuttering. I am also using this code from GreenSock (thank you so much!) with little tweaking. I have also tried using z-index and scaleY but it only makes the animation worse. I am so confused and out of ideas... any idea how to improve the performance on iPhone? Thank you!
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