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  1. However, this option does not solve the problem of transferring an object from one bowl to another. I see that the <g> tag is also stretched where the item itself is included https://skrinshoter.ru/sQSueG1oT6X?a
  2. I modified the code(it has already been corrected above) and I have some questions https://codepen.io/petlyra5/pen/pomwQmP : Why is it not transferred from the left pan of the scale to the left, but everything works from the right to the left pan of the scale? Also, if you transfer an object from the scales to its original state, then it is not transferred As I understand it, this is due to the order of the tags in the SVG? I need your help on how to fix this. Thank you
  3. Thank you for your advice. I will try to implement it!
  4. Thank you for your advice. I will try to implement it!
  5. Hi all. I'm just learning animation, don't judge too harshly Need help, maybe there is a ready-made solution or maybe tell me where to go. The task is: 1) when transferring weights and apples, place them on the scales, and also transfer them back and from one bowl to another 2) weigh correctly, although now the logic is partially configured
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