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  1. Hi, Cassie) I chose Locomotive because I needed a customizable scrollbar.
  2. Thanks for your answer. I prepared the required example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-mbhx8z?file=src%2FApp.js Unfortunately the same result - animation works, but markers don't move.
  3. Hi! In my previous projects I used GSAP + Locomotive Scroll 4 + Javascript, and everything worked well. My latest project on Next.js. I also use GSAP + Locomotive 4 in it. I created a scrollerProxy and connected it. But it seems to me that in Section2 the ScrollTrigger behaves strangely. Why do the markers stay in place? They update their position only on window resize (when I launch the project locally from VSCode, not from stackblitz). Here is the demo project: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-d1ezwn?file=components%2FScrollTriggerProxy%2Findex.tsx I don't understand what the problem is as I'm new to Next.js. Does anyone already have experience using GSAP + Locomotive 4 + Next? Please help))
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