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  1. @Cassie Hello there, actually I am using this codepen, as a reference. Not sure if it is doable or not.
  2. Hello community, I am hoping to do some Zara-style website(https://www.zara.com/us/), as you can see, it is a parent horizontal carousel that each of the containers can also be swiped vertically. Here is my codepen, right now it is a little bit problematic. I hope to do exactly the same thing, when you vertically swipe the carousel, each of the following slides can be stacked on top of the previous one. Thank you in advance!
  3. Thank you so much @Sahil @Cassie both the answers are very helpful!!! I really appreciate the help!
  4. Hello community, I have a question regarding using triggerscroll plugin. I create a carousel which the user can swipe vertically, but I hope when the user reach the last slide, it stops there and can only be swiped reversely. I also hope that the carousel is NOT drag free, which means that I hope you swipe up/down the carousel, only one slide will move to the viewport. Here is the codepen, Attached the screenshot is the one that I hope it won't happen. Thank you in advance!
  5. Hello, thank you so much for the quick reply and resource. I update my demo to make it as easy as possible. Thank you in advance! I really appreciate it!
  6. Hello, community, I am trying to use react three fiber with gsap to create the effect that when the user scroll down the page, the sphere could rotate. But right now it does not work. Here is the codesandbox Thank you in advance!
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