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Posts posted by borbulon

  1. Hi there,


    I'm wondering what's become of the `EaseLookup` api. I've been looking through the documentation, but I can't find where it was removed, or what the new syntax looks like.



  2. Thanks Jack! Helpful as always. 


    I don't think you should change any of how you have it to accommodate an edge case. I know when I'm building libs I most certainly don't.


    But it's good to know this `render` method exists. I've seen `render` in the AS API docs and tried it in JS, but it wasn't working as I expected it to. `force` was the key.



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  3. I understand I can do that, but I don't think you're understanding me. The timeline is paused when I put the child into it, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's the crux of the problem. I can't change the parent timeline, I can only put a child into a paused timeline. It is what it is.


    I just need a way to take any child timeline that is placed into the paused parent, and make sure the playhead of the child timeline is where it should be at that spot in the parent timeline.

  4. See the Pen PPxJmK by team (@team) on CodePen


    have a look at this. a few things I've done to change it:


    1. I changed it from time to a label.

    2. I paused the main timeline before seeking it. (important - this case is about paused timelines, and I'm super sorry I didn't mention it earlier)

    3. I added the pause-seek in a different timeout than the addition of the other child (it will happen about a second earlier)

    4. I seeked beyond the entry point of the child timeline to be beyond the start of the child timeline.

  5. Hi again guys - I feel like I'm missing a simple property here, just wanted another set of eyes on it.


    I have a timeline which controls the "playhead" of my "slide." For relatively complex reasons, child timelines get added by objects on that "slide" at the moment they are needed. 


    However, if I seek my slide beyond the point that a child timeline gets added to the main timeline, that child timeline does not update.


    to illustrate:

    playhead |-----o------------x--------------|
                 child      seek point

    If I let the above play, through it's fine. I see the child timeline get added at `o` and doing its thing.


    However, if I manually update the playhead (main timeline) to the seek point and at that point I say "go back and add the child timeline `o` at its spot", `o` gets added but does not get called until i seek previous to it and play through that spot.


    I hope that's a clear enough explanation of the issue.

  6. We've come across this issue as well recently. Can anybody point me to a Firefox bug specifically pertaining to this issue? If there isn't one, it would be good to create one so we can keep track of progress.

  7. I have data that comes to me as milliseconds, and I was wondering if:


    a) there are any drawbacks to using `timeScale(1000)` in a TimelineLite instance to "simulate" milliseconds


    B) if it's a bug that I can attempt to set a child timeline at, say, 5000, but when I inspect the parent timeline it can appear at, say, 5002 (can, not always does, not consistently reproducbile) 



  8. Hey guys - 


    It's been a while since I used TweenMax (AS version, about 3 years ago was the last time), and now I'm trying to use it again in JS. I'm running into a big issue though.


    I have a tween I'm receiving in data as a set of points (in one case, 158 points), as well as an easing type which is supposed to span all of those points. Of course these points do not necessarily define a straight line. I'd rather not have to calculate the time for each segment of the total line of tweens (for obvious reasons, I hope) based on the easing equation. It would appear that easing is not something that can be applied to TimelineLite/Max as a whole - but is is possible to tween across multiple points, like

    TweenMax.to(thing, dur, { 
      left : [233, 234, 235, 236], 
      top  : [0, 12, 8, 23], 
      ease : 'Power2.easeIn' 



    By the way, I am aware that I can put the number of points into a TweenLite instance and get the correct point in time for any moment along that point that way, and by that I can derive the duration of each segment of the total tween. I was hoping for a shorter route, though.

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