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lucy99's Achievements

  1. Thanks a lot @Rodrigo !! Have a nice day ahead!
  2. Hello @Rodrigo! How are you? Hope you are good. Thank you for fixing my demo. Is there a way I could observe the scrolling event inside of a pinned section? In that way, I could create variables to increase the opacity and translateZ of a box according to scroll value. Thank you again, Best regards, Lucy
  3. Hello, First of all, shout out to team GSAP! I'm starting to like and play with GSAP. I would like to replicate a scene, imagine walking down the hallway and the "boxes" are the paintings attached in the wall. So what I did, a pinned section together with the boxes element are set their opacity as 0 and translateZ in negative value. Is there a way I can modify a box's translateZ without limit? It will only stop modifying the translateZ and opacity value when I'm out of the section. Here's a loom video, cannot totally replicate it from the Codepen: https://www.loom.com/share/478a15a500224c058cacd868a97caf27 https://codepen.io/pringkr/pen/bGyeKRq Thank you in advance, GSAP.
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